Thursday, May 13, 2010

As a parent, don't you think it's healthy to expose your children to different religions?

How can parents only teach that one religion is the correct one to their child? Or even that you don't believe it but a lot of people do know, people are different and you should respect their beliefs.As a parent, don't you think it's healthy to expose your children to different religions?
My future children will be raised by an atheist, but I plan to read them a lot of world mythology (as mythology is the word for ';every other religion but your own'; to believers). Historically and socially, it is important to be knowledgeable about religions -- how many politicians are still asking about the difference between Shiites and Sunnis? -- how many Christians believe the Bible condemns homosexuality?

I don't want my children coerced, but I don't want them ignorant, either.As a parent, don't you think it's healthy to expose your children to different religions?
I did teach my child about my faith (I was a practicing Wiccan during the years she was growing up), but I didn't tell her it was the only faith, and I allowed her to make her own decision. She also was allowed to go to synagogue with some of her friends, and to a Baptist church (where they tried to tell her I was the Antichrist and it was her duty to convert me, so she didn't go there again) and to Catholic church with my mother. If she'd been interested in other religions and known somebody who would take her, I would have allowed that, too.
when they are old enough to learn the differences then yes I will teach them about other religions some things about other religions are interesting and we will be traveling a lot and doing missionary work so they need to know what others believe and to respect it. I trust that I have taught them well and have been a good example that she too will follow Christ, and although that is the desire of my heart but she has a choice to make as well. Good luck with this and God bless you.
Define expose.

I teach my children the faith I know and believe. I teach them that there are other faiths and we are to respect them and their adherents. I teach them that we believe our faith is ';true';. I teach them other people believe their faith is ';true'; also. We practice our faith. They can figure it all out regarding the other faiths when they get older and if they are curious.
It is good to study all religions and different versions of the Bible but Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free John 8:32 So when you find the true religion then you will know it.鈥?/a>
There is only one God - Jehovah. So that is the only God I teach my children about - because I love them.

Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
I would not expose them to any on my own. I'd let them form their own opinions, completely independent of my own.

I'm not a parent, but this is what I would do if I had children.

In the state of CA, is it legal to have a gun license at 14? Even with parent consent?

I have an acquaintance who I strongly suspect likes to tell story's to make her life seem more interesting. According to her, her brother has had license to carry a gun, which their dad filled out all the paper work for, since he was 14. I find it hard to believe, but then again, I don't know a thing about fire arms or the laws pertaining to them.In the state of CA, is it legal to have a gun license at 14? Even with parent consent?
No you can't have legally license for gun at 14. You can have shotgun at 18, but handgun only at 21. California has one of the strictest gun law in US of A.

It looks like pretty soon everyone in California will only have legal rights to have paintball guns.In the state of CA, is it legal to have a gun license at 14? Even with parent consent?
Your friend is trying to be interesting again. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

There is no license required to own a gun in California. Under federal law, you have to be 18 years old to buy a long gun, 21 to buy a handgun. California concealed carry permits are only available to adults over 21.

Her parents may have bought her brother a gun at 14, but there's no way he had a license to carry at that age.
You can shoot and have possession of a firearms as a minor giving that the activity is legal and that the minor is being supervised. You don't need a license to own a firearm. However you have to be at least 18 to own a rifle and shotgun and 21 to own a handgun. Open carry and conceal carry is allowed on ones property or ones place of business without a permit given one can LEGALLY own a firearm. A minor cannot do this unless its in the act of self defense (ie some armed robber broke into the home and the kid is all alone with the firearm and has to defend himself.) If the neighbor reports a kid carrying a gun around in the house both the dad and the kid will get in trouble. Laws in CA are strict when it comes to minors getting a hold of firearms because accidents involving minors have happened and this is why laws are strict. You need a conceal weapons permit to carry a concealed firearm (outside ones residence) and one of the requirements is that you are 21. Only the Sheriffs Dept or local police dept can approve conceal weapons permits to people in CA to my knowledge. So, your friend lied or her dad broke the law.
Wait, they still have legal options to own guns in California?

Your acquaintance is lying. Here in Oklahoma, where gun laws are not Draconian, under no legal circumstances (excluding the military) can anyone under the age of 21 own a pistol. Let alone, get a conceal and carry license.
Your parents cannot consent to you breaking the law. Don't feel bad. Obviously, your friend doesn't know any more than you do about firearms and the laws pertaining to them.
Lol, like, you're kidding, right?

Giving guns to a minor? Texas probably doesn't allow that either
I believe your friend is a liar.If she brings it to school please tell a teacher or call 911.
you cant have a firearm at 14... no matter what the circumstances.. not even in texas
nope,your friend is a liar because my cousin tried sohard and did not work!!!!

Which state handles the child support if one parent moves out of state?

If the parent who is receiving child support moves out of state, yet both parents have equal sole custody... the parent receiving child support has 41% and the other has 49%, due to his income versus hers. So, just curious that if the parent who receives the child support moves out of state, yet the custody time stays the same which state takes over or continues with the child support?Which state handles the child support if one parent moves out of state?
The state where the child resides is the state that has jurisdiction.Which state handles the child support if one parent moves out of state?
The state that started the child support order will ALWAYS hold jurisdiction, unless there is a court petition by either parent to move that jurisdiction. You can only do so if ';everybody moved'; out of the original state. So if one parent moves out of the original state, but not the other, then you are not allowed to change jurisdiction. The new state will cooperate with the old state %26amp; will act as a middle man to help with the sending or recieving of the support payments, but they will hold no power over the order.
  • fashion makeup
  • Should parent teach about sex and masturbation to their children? What is the right time to teach them?

    I'm not perverted. I just think that our children is our very own responsibility and I'm afraid that somehow they'll learn about the wrong idea of sex and masturbation themselves...

    I'm going to get married soon and this one is truly one of my concern... I mean how should I talk about it with my very own children? Since my mom %26amp; dad has passed away long time ago, I wonder how every parent could deal with these....Should parent teach about sex and masturbation to their children? What is the right time to teach them?
    You won't need to worry about the masturbating issue they will discover this one on their own and a long time before you even know it. Just tell them it's natural and they should go to their rooms, not the living room floor.

    Sex ed. should be taught by the parents if possible but it should include all aspects. Birth control, STDs, pregnancy etc. If you can get a teen to sit down and listen that is.

    My sis in law began early with her kids, talking about things on a level they could understand and accept. Only one of her kids chose to have pre-marital sex and that was with the guy she planned to marry.

    I can't speak for all parents or all kids, but there is nothing dirty about sex and there is nothing perverted about talking about it in a healthy manner.

    They will receive some in health classes at school also and I recommend that you check the cirriculum out before hand.

    Stay involved, from birth to leaving home and you and they will be fine.Should parent teach about sex and masturbation to their children? What is the right time to teach them?
    I think it's important for children to learn about sex from their parents (although not visually). As far as masturbation goes, I think most people figure it out on their own, although a passing mention of how normal it is couldn't hurt. I don't think parents should ever have sex or masturbate in front of their children. It's just not necessary. People experience sex in different ways and you shouldn't rob them of the experience of discovering it for themselves when the time is right. Just provide the basics and let them do the rest.
    yes you should teach your own children about sex and masterbation because if you dont you will find that someone else has done that ;;and in the wrong form.if you want your children to know then it is your own rights to teach them in the way you want them to learn and please teach them according to the bible .;because then you cannot go wrong start early in life as soon as the child is able to understand and always with loving words and prayer according to the word of god
    All very small children will touch their private parts. You tell them that it is a bedroom or bathroom toy and that nobody wants to see it. As they get older, you will need to give them more information. The earlier you start, with age appropriate info, and using the proper words for things, the easier it will be when it gets time for them to ask you the hard questions. If you don't teach your kids about sex, they will come on Yahoo and ask some of the really weird questions that we see on here evey day. I get my neices and nephews asking me very basic questions that they should know the answers to. One of my neices actually managed to get pregnant and didn't even know the real names for her privates. Children are not taught enough in sex ed classes at school. They need to know that masturbation is a safe outlet for their very normal feelings and that unprotected sex is never a good thing. They need to know that you will love them and help them deal with it even if they do mess up and catch a disease or worse, get pregnant.
    Yes. Before puberty
    I know I might get bashed for this but I believe children should START being taught about sex before starting school. Of course you must be careful not to overload them or give details that would scare them. They will hear and see things in school and you need to have a open relationship with them to discuss these things. You need to establish that relationship early so when the real sex questions come, you will have their trust.

    Don't ever lie....we all know babies don't come from the stork.
    it is my belief that parents should take time out of there lives and asnwer the growing questions that kids these days have
    No let them learn from a hooker.
    Talk to them about sex as young at 8. My parents were always open to me and talked to me about sex all the time since a very young age. Educating your children about sex will make them less curious about it and make them wait instead of going and trying it at a ridiculously young age. You can't really stop your children from having sex when they are teenagers, and you shouldn't stop them. If you talked to them about sex, they'll be smart and use protection.

    It's always the kids whose parents are all closed minded and don't talk to their children about sex, and other things that come home pregnant at 13.

    It's better for them to be aware, and even if they do have sex; be glad they're keeping it safe!

    ...As for masturbation...You shouldn't exactly talk to them about it; most children find out about masturbation just exploring their bodies to fulfill their curiousity. There is nothing wrong with masturbation, and you should NOT worry about it at all.

    Actually, if your kids will masturbate, they will most likely be more satisfied and won't be having sex.

    But even if they are having sex, remember to continue educating them as you always did, and they will remember. Trust me, sex talks are something a child never forgets. So when your teenager does go and have sex, he or she will be protected. Don't worry.

    Good luck.
    I feel that it is beter for the parents to be truthfull to there children about human sexualiaty.

    Teach within the home rather that having them learn that the parents and teachers have lied to them all there lives.
    No. My advice is to let them learn at school.
    The best way to deal with it is to never deny them the facts. Even as very small children they should be allowed to see both parents nude and to know about how pregnancy occurs and so forth. My mother always told us about all that stuff and answered all our questions no matter what age we were, so that I don't remember not knowing. I think I have a very healthy conceptional idea of sex and love and never needed advice from my peers as I knew long before they did. Best wishes

    P.S. I can see that many of the other answers are joke answers please ignore them... you get alot of that on this site, especially from list.
    this just reminded me of a friend of mine whose daughter (when she was like 3 or 4) would walk thru the house with something (usually a towel or stuffed animal) between her legs and walk and hump, walk and hump.

    her mom and dad just kept saying 'no humpy, no humpy'. she did it ALL THE TIME. her little eyes would go back into her head and she just went into another world for a few minutes.

    one day while babysitting i told the little girl that other people just don't like to watch her enjoy herself that way and the best place to do it is in her room - alone.

    that's all it took.

    she never came out of her bedroom to do it in front of others again. yes, she would disappear for a while and her parents had to go find her (in her room humping) and tell her to come on out and play when she's done.
    talk is cheap

    i believe it comes naturally at that son is three and i have already taught him the difference between boys and girls. also put your kids into sex ed every year its offered it will help too. they dont teach much on the act of sex at all.mostly puberty and basic reproduction
    Jennifer L has the best answer so there is nothing more for me to add, except that some of the other answers are really stupid and no wonder some kids are the way they are...
    When they ask,talk about sex.When they are about mast.
    Don't think so. Generations have got along without it quite famously. And this generation ain't unique either.
    I believe parents should tell their kids about ';the birds and the bees';. I'm not for certain when a good time would be to explain it all to them.
    age 10 gets the sex talk, age 3+ gets the difference between boys and girls.

    Can you get contacts with prescription without a parent ?

    Can you get contacts with prescription without a parent or do you need someone over 18?

    Can you get it with someone over 18 but not your parent??

    How much and where are good places?

    I hear walmart, but do you need to fill out info for them? SORRY, lots of questions, please help! (;Can you get contacts with prescription without a parent ?
    I have also heard of Cosco. I think they will ask but, i am not 500% sure. I would let my parents know though!Can you get contacts with prescription without a parent ?
    Well I guess the first question is have you had a recent eye exam?

    Have you had a contact fitting lesson?

    Do you have an Rx that is within a year of your last exam?

    If you say yes. Then you can order then online or get them anywhere.
    usually the if you are at a young age the optician would ask for you parents to get involved with you getting contacts just to help you out with looking after them and hygeine

    How do I go about being a good parent?

    My son's due Valentine's Day, and I'm extremely nervous. Everyone's telling me that I'll be a great dad, but I'm SO nervous, because I'm so young, and it's my first child. We're keeping him, so I'd like to know what I should do to go about being a good dad.How do I go about being a good parent?
    When my baby boy was born, it was the happiest day of my life. Honestly, there's no one way to be a good parent. There are many ways.

    What I did to be a good dad was go to work every day, and bring home money to keep the roof over our head, and to get my boy new clothes, food, diapers, wipes, baby powder, baby food, and everything he needed. Remember that you go to work every day for your son, and for your wife/girlfriend.

    Always play with him. For the first year or so, it's a bit hard, because he's not old enough to really interact with you, but once he's two and three, you can interact with him, by chasing him around the yard, playing cars with him, tickling him, and just doing what he wants to do.

    Also, you should cherish all of the small things. Cherish when he sleeps on your chest when you're watching television, or when he learns to crawl. Even the small things are worth cherishing, because being a dad is the greatest thing that can ever happen to you!

    You're going to do great!How do I go about being a good parent?
    Spend lot's of time at home with your child. Children don't like to be neglected and Don't worry! I think you'll make a fine dad.

    btw, Congratulations =)
    Congratulations! Don't neglect your child, guide him, pay attention on his needs. Give good advice and show him that he's GOD fearing.

    How do you Hack the suspension page of Toontown so you can play again? Without entering Parent ID and pw?

    Because My Friend Got Suspended on Toontown And Her Dad Does Not know. So she doesn't know the info ( parent email and Password ). And she said neither does her dad. So how do you hack the suspension page?.How do you Hack the suspension page of Toontown so you can play again? Without entering Parent ID and pw?
    Well, you cant :/ Sorry. Best to call them.

    Does anyone know where in Georgia a single parent can receive financial aid?

    I'm a single mom of 7 yr old twins and a 5 yr old I am now disabled and awaiting to go before administrative law judge to determine my ssi disability (21 months now) and have subsequently lost my home, car property-basically everthing but the clothes that the kids and I had and our beds. We sold everything else trying to keep up with the bills. Everyone tells me I am unqualified to receive any government assistance other than food stamps that we have graciously accepted. Having been a nurse for 21 years this has been very difficult. any suggestions out there?Does anyone know where in Georgia a single parent can receive financial aid?
    It will be hard for you to get actual money from anyone but family, the government, or churches. But there are community food banks here in the metro Atlanta area and they can help ';fill-in'; when food stamps are running out. Also look into the assistance programs available thru the Salvation Army. They have many cooperative partnership programs available all over Georgia.

    I hope and pray you get the ssi very soon. Take care.

    Do you think this is irresponsible for a parent?

    The father of a 17 year old son buys alcohol for him and his mates before they go to a party. Do you think that the father should act more responsible?Do you think this is irresponsible for a parent?
    Hard to say without knowing all the details. I've bought alcohol for parties but I knew the kids in question and where the party was and the adults who lived there. I knew it wouldn't get out of hand I knew the kids wouldn't be tempted to drink and drive in order to hide what they were up to.

    Generally, I think that this is a parent who doesn't want their kids sneaking around behind their back.Do you think this is irresponsible for a parent?
    In Australia the legal drinking age is 18, so if this is based in Australia and the son was only a couple of weeks or a month or two off being 18, I really don't see what the problem is.

    Being that I was 17 in school when all my friends were turning 18 and having their 18th birthday parties etc I had easy access to alcohol. And plus, when you are 17 and a couple of weeks/months of your legal drinking age birthday you really can't see why its an issue. The old arguement....'well how much more mature am I going to be in two weeks anyway' tends to apply!

    If, like other answerers have suggested above and its in America or somewhere where the legal age is 21, then yes..i think its very inappropriate and irresponsible.
    It really depends on the situation, and how much alcohol it was. I was allowed to have a few drinks every now and then as a teenager. I always drank responsibly and in moderation.

    EDIT*I'm Australian aswell, it's not illegal here for parents to give their teens alcohol if they are ofer a certain age and you are at home, it's just illegal to sell it to them until they are 18. I'll look for a link.
    To buy and give to them is illegal. In the USA you can give your own child alcohol in your own home or even give it to them in a bar,but if they get into trouble from the drinks then you can be held liable. In no way can you supply it to any other juvenile though.
    Not really, they will buy alcohol themselves so it鈥檚 not very irresponsible.
    Not only is it irresponsible, but in the US it's illegal. The father could be arrested for doing that here.
    yes..very irresponsible....
  • fashion makeup
  • Who else thinks Britney Spears is a good parent?

    I think everyone's being very unfair to her. I think Chris Crocker had the right idea.Who else thinks Britney Spears is a good parent?
    Everyone fails to mention the other zillion mothers out there, who are party'n... doing drugs.. neglecting their children... those people could live down the street from us... or be our next door neighbors!

    She's in the spotlight all the time.. who can judge her other then the big guy upstairs?

    All us mothers out there know we are NOT perfect. (well, the ones that are level headed) We all have all problems time to time. I know im not perfect. But.. i dont have the paparazzi on my tail... there for.. im a ';good'; mother.. right?

    I hope she gets help.. so she can return to her children. Lets think about these poor kids! Ultimately, it's them that is the most important.Who else thinks Britney Spears is a good parent?
    I think she could be a good parent

    right now she is a no idea parent
    I wouldn't exactly call her a parent since she seems to be out doing all the things that young, single, non-parents do. Yeah, it's cool to go and hang out when you have kids but she's taken it to the extreme. And she needs to get some serious help for the problems that she does have. She's just not acting very responsible. Things like this happen all the time....many parents lose their children for the same type of behavior. Just because she's a celebrity shouldn't make her any different. JMO
    Hello but umm a woman who walks around half naked, strolls out of cars without undies on and who hits cars and then walks away oh and who drives around with there kid on thier lap while driving is NOT a good parent. A good parent is most of all, a good role model - which she is NOT.
    my dog doesn't even think she's a good parent and he licks his a**. she is the opposite of what a good parent is
    if drug addiction, law breaking, party animals are your basis of good parenting skills, than by all means giver her the crown. her life is on film darn near 24/7 yes it is expected that you would catch a misshap here or there but as many miss haps as she has had no wonder she lost her kids.
    I think that people need to quit putting Britney under a microscope. I mean, if Kfed thought that Britney was a bad mother then why didn't this come up while they were together. None of this was brought up until she filed for full custody. In all the interviews with Kfed while they were together he said nothing except how great a mother she was.

    I personally believe that those boys are $$$$ to Kfed and Britney didn't pay him what he wanted. I also think that Britney may just be suffering from PPD. If she could stay out of the public long enough to get help I think she could get her life back on track and get her boys back.
    We should have seen this coming when she married a loser like Federline. She has made lousy decisions since she was an adult.
    She's a great parent, as long as she doesn't have custody!

    I'm soooo out of the loop when it comes to Britney Spears. I don't even know who this Chris Crocker is???

    EDIT: I'm feeling old!!!!

    a good parent is one who gives 100% love to there kids and puts them first and themselves last. Did she do any of these things no!!!
    sorry, who is that?
    None of us know what goes on behind closed doors, but I would not consider repeated rehab stints, erratic behaviour and 'alcohol and controlled substance usage' as stated by the courts, as hallmarks of a good mother.

    Britney's got big, big problems right now.
    I agree
    Britney Spears is a good parent, Chris Crocker is a a$$hole
    Much of her behavior that is being criticized was not around her children, but she has ignored all of the things that would have helped her case. I feel she has been exploited, but she needs to grow up and take responsibility now.
    I love britney and I think she just need a little time to fiqure out who she is. I hope she comes around and do what's right for her kids. She is portrayed in the media as someone who doesn't seem to care. Right now she's going through a lot. We don't know what's going on behind close doors so I don't wanna be the one to judge her I just pray for her. She'll come around for the sake of her kids.
    fine outstanding example of bra and panty dancing on the mva awards. kudos to britney, and poo on that dog kevin
    i agree she is just misunderstood
    never heard of Britney spears. sorry
    She and Michael Jackson...
    Are you out of your mind???

    How is genetic information passed on from a parent to a child?

    Genetic information is passed form two parents to a child if the reproduction is sexual as in humans and other mammels. In the case of asexual reproduction, only one parent passes his genes to the child.

    We carry billions of copies of ourselves encoded in the brilliant information storage gadget called DNA. DNA is stored in chromosomes inside cell nuclei. When sexual reproduction takes place, half of the genes of male and half of the female parent are mixed in the embryo. A DNA can replicate itself, so as cells replicate, DNA also gets replicated, and we carry the genes of both our parents at the time of birth.

    However we get the characteristics of our uncle and aunties as well as gene expression takes place : )How is genetic information passed on from a parent to a child?
    Mitosis Look it up....

    The primary result of mitosis is the division of the parent cell's genome into two daughter cells. The genome is composed of a number of chromosomes, complexes of tightly-coiled DNA that contain genetic information vital for proper cell function. Because each resultant daughter cell should be genetically identical to the parent cell, the parent cell must make a copy of each chromosome before mitosis. This occurs during S phase, in interphase, the period that precedes the mitotic phase in the cell cycle where preparation for mitosis occurs.[5]

    Each new chromosome now contains two identical copies of itself, called sister chromatids, attached together in a specialized region of the chromosome known as the centromere. Each sister chromatid is not considered a chromosome in itself, and a chromosome does not always contain two sister chromatids.

    In most eukaryotes, the nuclear envelope that separates the DNA from the cytoplasm disassembles. The chromosomes align themselves in a line spanning the cell. Microtubules, essentially miniature strings, splay out from opposite ends of the cell and shorten, pulling apart the sister chromatids of each chromosome.[6] As a matter of convention, each sister chromatid is now considered a chromosome, so they are renamed to sister chromosomes. As the cell elongates, corresponding sister chromosomes are pulled toward opposite ends. A new nuclear envelope forms around the separated sister chromosomes.

    As mitosis completes cytokinesis is well underway. In animal cells, the cell pinches inward where the imaginary line used to be, (the pinching of the cell membrane to form the two daughter cells is called cleavage furrow) separating the two developing nuclei. In plant cells, the daughter cells will construct a new dividing cell wall between each other. Eventually, the mother cell will be split in half, giving rise to two daughter cells, each with an equivalent and complete copy of the original genome.

    Prokaryotic cells undergo a process similar to mitosis called binary fission. However, prokaryotes cannot be properly said to undergo mitosis because they lack a nucleus and only have a single chromosome with no centromere.How is genetic information passed on from a parent to a child?
    Through genes.

    In the state of Wisconsin can you get a tattoo if you are 16 and have parent consent?

    My friend on her 16th birthday got one with parent consent.In the state of Wisconsin can you get a tattoo if you are 16 and have parent consent?
    Chapter 948, section 70 of the state criminal code says that tattooing a child is a violation of law. There's no exception for parental consent.

    There is an exception -- a physician can tattoo a child as part of their professional practice.In the state of Wisconsin can you get a tattoo if you are 16 and have parent consent?
    Can you? Yes. Should you? No. If you can't wait to get something permanent on you body, then you shouldn't get it at all. Most tattoo parlors will not accept it even with consent because it's a big reliability. And the ones that do you usually don't want to get one done there.

    I waited 4 years for my first tattoo and it turned out great.
    Apparently, if your friend lives in Wisconsin and she got one.

    Regarding child custody, does the 13 year old child have to go visit the non-custodial parent on weekends?

    The child normally goes to the father's home every other weekend. The mother is keeping the child at home saying ';she does not want to see her father.'; Does the 13 year old child have to go?Regarding child custody, does the 13 year old child have to go visit the non-custodial parent on weekends?
    If the child really does not want to go then she shouldn't have to go. You'd have to have a conversation with the child.Regarding child custody, does the 13 year old child have to go visit the non-custodial parent on weekends?
    not unless a judge says so. im 14 and my parents are divorced. thankfully tho we were able to avoid a court custody case. my parents were able to work it out themselves. the child does not have to go if she doesnt want to unless is it court orderd that she go with the father on weekends.
    If you went to court and the judge say so, and you have the order, you can go and pick her up, and have the ex called the cops

    The cops will tell the mother, that she has to go. It's in the custody agreement, and to change it she will have to take you to court

    At 13, she may have plans with her friends, and it get hard for them, if you live in a different town

    You should talk to the child before you go and do the cop thing

    .I would call your ex, and tell her that you are taking her the next weekend, and you need to talk to the child alone. She needs to explain things to you(the daughter, not the ex)

    You really need to talk to the child

    It could be that she just want to spend time with her friends

    You could work with that, maybe one night on the weekend, not the whole weekend

    You remember being 13

    You get dinner with her twice a month鈥?/a>

    but i think it's generally considered to be a child's right

    and not a parents right...
    If they haven't gone to court for it, then it's the parent's decision TOGETHER where the child goes.

    And also, if it is true that the teenager wants to stay with the mom, then she doesn't have to go.

    But going every other weekend does make things easier for everyone and more organized.

    But if they ever did go to court, then the child gets to say where she wants to live unless the mother is ';unfit'; (example: she does drugs, has different men coming in or out of her house, or a really bad alcoholic, etc).
    I think the child can decide where he/she wants to go. I'm not totally for sure on that though so you might want to ask a lawyer. I was 16 when my parents got divorced so they couldn't do the custody fight over me cuz I did what I wanted to do.
    if she wants to go, and their is no history of abuse or rape or anything that bad, then the mom has to let her. if the child really doesnt want to go then no they dont.

    How do I go about being a good parent?

    My son's due Valentine's Day, and I'm extremely nervous. Everyone's telling me that I'll be a great dad, but I'm SO nervous, because I'm so young, and it's my first child. We're keeping him, so I'd like to know what I should do to go about being a good dad.How do I go about being a good parent?
    It shows by the very fact that you are nervous that you are going to do great. I would recommend some favorite was by a British lady named Penelope Leach. Her books about raising children were great. Also Dr. Brazelton is fabulous.

    Never hitting is a very big one. Although challenging you really need to find some creative and alternative ways to make a negative into a positive, especially with little guys, under 5 or even older.

    If you are a happy, safe, caring human being, which I can tell that you are...just being around and for your Baby to have someone to say ';this is my Dad';, is the greatest gift you can give.

    I wish more people were as excited and concerned about parenting like you.

    Bless your Heart,

    SarahJaneHow do I go about being a good parent?
    They say that when a mom to be worries about being a good mother that she should not that it comes naturally I believe that that goes the same for new DADS. I think that you will may a great father. The fact that your worrying about already makes you a great dad. The best advice I can give and please no matter what always follow this advice:

    Play with your child. Play cars, or barbies, or whatever toys they have play with them, swing them around, laugh with them, cry with them, always listen to them. Take them for bike rides or go skating with them
    Trial and error. That's how you get to be a good parent. Everyone who i think is a good parent did not become that way as soon as the child exited the womb, it took years of practice. For me to be a good parent I first have to love my children over everything else in this world (after God). I also have to be flexible and willing to change something if it doesn't work. Last, pick your battles with your son. Not everything is worth an argument.

    Start watching those whose parenting styles you like and see what they do with their kids, watch kids and parents together and see how they treat each other. I am a big watcher, I like to see people doing things so I can make the choice whether or not to be like them or not. Unfortunately, most of the parents in my family are teaching me what NOT to do with my kids. Utilize your parents (if you trust them and for the most part agree with how you were raised). Don't be afraid to ask questions.

    You'll be fine. I think worrying about it already shows you care which is really the most important thing with kids, love them! Feel free to check out parenting websites, and read the articles on babies and kids, if you are the reading type and feel you can gain from those sources.

    Congrats, Daddy!
    Spend as much time as you can with him/her. Read him books, play with him, talk to him, etc... Don't yell, scream, or hit. Always use a firm and gentle voice. Most importantly, help out with the baby as much as you can, your wife will need a lot of rest to recover. Offer to change diapers, do the dishes, cook, give baby a bath, etc... You will be deeply appreciated, trust me. Hope this helps. Good luck :)
    All you can really do is always try to do the best for your child. Take some classes on child care, as there are a lot of things to learn! Simple things like bathing, and more complicated things like helping your children stay healthy are important to learn.
    Valentine's day is my dad's birthday! Was your dad a good dad to you? It's okay that you're scared, all new dads are scared, so don't feel bad about being nervous. Just listen to your kid. That's the best advice I can give you.
    Just try and raise him to be a decent human being. No suspensions in HS or jail time before 18. lol.I'm sure you'll be fine.
    just take care of him. buy it clothes and food and try to be a good role model

    Do your best. That is all that matters.
    just be yourself...good luck

    how can i do for re status of parent of irish born child?

    i am from argentina i am in this country Ireland for 1 year and half.and i have a Beautiful baby 8 weeks ago but am no legal at the moment how can i sorted my partner is irish as well.please i need information. how can i do for re status of parent of irish born child?
    If your partner is Irish, then the child is apparently entitled to Irish citizenship but if you %26amp; your partner are not married there may be issues around guardianship %26amp; custody which you need to look into properly:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    I would contact your nearest Citizens Information unit to ask for advice and you could try contacting the Immigrant Council of Ireland:鈥?/a>

  • fashion makeup
  • Would you intervene in the raising of another parent's children, and if so in what cases?

    Right then folks, now that some of us are older and wiser what would you do? Views tvm.Would you intervene in the raising of another parent's children, and if so in what cases?
    I have custody of my grandkids. My son and his wife are both meth addicts. When the kids were born, they dropped them off and were gone again.

    I have had both children their whole lives. And I thank God that they at least had the sense to bring them to me. They are my world. Chase 5 and Bella just turned three.Would you intervene in the raising of another parent's children, and if so in what cases?
    This is indeed a difficult one. The only times I have done so is when it concerns me. If the child has been disrespectful, yes, I have a few words with the Mom/Dad.

    I have a big problem at the moment with a neighbor who does not put her children in seat belts, when her children get into my car, seat belts are to be worn, they do not want to put them on, so I must pull over and let the kids cry and yell and carry on until they remain in the seat belts, I have had to turn around and take my friend and her children home because of this. This causes a big problem between myself and friend, but no one gets into my car without the seat belt on. Where I live it is a law, end of conversation.
    If it was so obvious that that parent had to do a bit more parenting,

    and less ignoring of the child, I might say something, if I thought that

    child could be harmed in some way. For instance, many years ago

    when my best friend left her child alone after school while she was

    at work, I observed, he was out running around down the street with

    much bigger boys. He was five years old, and was home unsupervised.

    I would see him outside further down than he should be. And I mentioned it to my friend. Who felt she could trust her little boy to

    make the right decisions. I gathered she felt I should mind my own

    business, but I knew I was far more protective of my children and

    would not allow them out of the back yard. Now today, she says she

    had her mother in law babysitting after school. And at the time, that

    wasn't true at all. I was a stay at home mom, so I saw him and

    heard him so often. Generally if I thought a childs' activity could put

    him in harms way, I might mention my fear to the parent today. Other-

    wise, I'd try to ignore it, to avoid getting a lecture LOL.
    I did. The smaller children were left with the older children who were doing drugs, stealing bikes, etc. I tried talking to the parents first, then I called child protective services. It was supposed to be confidential. It wasn't. They gave them my name! Now one of the older children is in jail, which backs me up.
    my daughter and her husband 2 kids live with my wife and i, they are great parents many times i have to just go back to our sitting room, and bite my tongue when they are correcting one of my grand daughters because it hurts my feelings to see them upset, but i realize i'm looking through gram pas eyes so i stay out of it
    If the parent could not look after them and asked me to do so. If they were my God children and not being raised as christians. If they were in danger. If they were my relatives and their parents died or could not look after them.
    I'd intervene in raising my grandchildren, if something happened to my sons %26amp; their wives. I'd raise them just as I raised my sons, because they are raising their children, just as they were raised. What greater compliment could they pay me %26amp; their father?
    Only if I thought the child was being abused in some way. There may be times I did not agree with the parents form of discipline etc but you have to remember that it is their child and you have to respect their views.
    I would intervene only in the case of child abuse or some other illegal conduct by the parent.

    In child rearing everyone has a different opinion.

    And we also know that opinions are like anuses, everyone has one.
    No! I am long past the child rearing age and it wouldn't be good for me or for the children. Maybe a college student but not little ones when you can't remember which drawer you left them in.
    If a child was abused in any way I would notify Children Protective Services.

    If one of my siblings died or was incapacitated I was help raise their children.

    Abuse should never be allowed to continue.

    NO - NEVER - that's considered Meddling!

    nope just like i would never try to break up a fight between a man and wife!!!
    OH no, not at this stage of life!

    how can i do for re status of parent of irish born child?

    i am from argentina i am in this country Ireland for 1 year and half.and i have a Beautiful baby 8 weeks ago but am no legal at the moment how can i sorted my partner is irish as well.please i need information. how can i do for re status of parent of irish born child?
    If your partner is Irish, then the child is apparently entitled to Irish citizenship but if you %26amp; your partner are not married there may be issues around guardianship %26amp; custody which you need to look into properly:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    I would contact your nearest Citizens Information unit to ask for advice and you could try contacting the Immigrant Council of Ireland:鈥?/a>

    Would you intervene in the raising of another parent's children, and if so in what cases?

    Right then folks, now that some of us are older and wiser what would you do? Views tvm.Would you intervene in the raising of another parent's children, and if so in what cases?
    I have custody of my grandkids. My son and his wife are both meth addicts. When the kids were born, they dropped them off and were gone again.

    I have had both children their whole lives. And I thank God that they at least had the sense to bring them to me. They are my world. Chase 5 and Bella just turned three.Would you intervene in the raising of another parent's children, and if so in what cases?
    This is indeed a difficult one. The only times I have done so is when it concerns me. If the child has been disrespectful, yes, I have a few words with the Mom/Dad.

    I have a big problem at the moment with a neighbor who does not put her children in seat belts, when her children get into my car, seat belts are to be worn, they do not want to put them on, so I must pull over and let the kids cry and yell and carry on until they remain in the seat belts, I have had to turn around and take my friend and her children home because of this. This causes a big problem between myself and friend, but no one gets into my car without the seat belt on. Where I live it is a law, end of conversation.
    If it was so obvious that that parent had to do a bit more parenting,

    and less ignoring of the child, I might say something, if I thought that

    child could be harmed in some way. For instance, many years ago

    when my best friend left her child alone after school while she was

    at work, I observed, he was out running around down the street with

    much bigger boys. He was five years old, and was home unsupervised.

    I would see him outside further down than he should be. And I mentioned it to my friend. Who felt she could trust her little boy to

    make the right decisions. I gathered she felt I should mind my own

    business, but I knew I was far more protective of my children and

    would not allow them out of the back yard. Now today, she says she

    had her mother in law babysitting after school. And at the time, that

    wasn't true at all. I was a stay at home mom, so I saw him and

    heard him so often. Generally if I thought a childs' activity could put

    him in harms way, I might mention my fear to the parent today. Other-

    wise, I'd try to ignore it, to avoid getting a lecture LOL.
    I did. The smaller children were left with the older children who were doing drugs, stealing bikes, etc. I tried talking to the parents first, then I called child protective services. It was supposed to be confidential. It wasn't. They gave them my name! Now one of the older children is in jail, which backs me up.
    my daughter and her husband 2 kids live with my wife and i, they are great parents many times i have to just go back to our sitting room, and bite my tongue when they are correcting one of my grand daughters because it hurts my feelings to see them upset, but i realize i'm looking through gram pas eyes so i stay out of it
    If the parent could not look after them and asked me to do so. If they were my God children and not being raised as christians. If they were in danger. If they were my relatives and their parents died or could not look after them.
    I'd intervene in raising my grandchildren, if something happened to my sons %26amp; their wives. I'd raise them just as I raised my sons, because they are raising their children, just as they were raised. What greater compliment could they pay me %26amp; their father?
    Only if I thought the child was being abused in some way. There may be times I did not agree with the parents form of discipline etc but you have to remember that it is their child and you have to respect their views.
    I would intervene only in the case of child abuse or some other illegal conduct by the parent.

    In child rearing everyone has a different opinion.

    And we also know that opinions are like anuses, everyone has one.
    No! I am long past the child rearing age and it wouldn't be good for me or for the children. Maybe a college student but not little ones when you can't remember which drawer you left them in.
    If a child was abused in any way I would notify Children Protective Services.

    If one of my siblings died or was incapacitated I was help raise their children.

    Abuse should never be allowed to continue.

    NO - NEVER - that's considered Meddling!

    nope just like i would never try to break up a fight between a man and wife!!!
    OH no, not at this stage of life!

    Is it legal to underage drink with a parent there in tx?

    im having a party and i was wondering if its legal in tx to underage drink in my house if there are parents there... is this true? someone told me.Is it legal to underage drink with a parent there in tx?
    it is completely ILLEGAL. Your parents can get in a LOT of trouble. So keep it simple, only drink beer. Thats what im doing for my party. Nothing bad happens with beer.Is it legal to underage drink with a parent there in tx?
    Um. See Marcus's answer, which quotes the actual LAW rather than relying on the underinformed opinions of teenagers. This answer needs to be deleted or the question reopened.

    Report Abuse

    Quit answering questions which you do not know the answer to, you morons.

    Report Abuse

    Your parents can give you alcohol and you have to consume it while they are there. They can't just give it to you and you go crazy. If they provide alcohol for your friends however they can be charged. Your friends can only drink if their parents are there and they give their children the alcohol.

    EDIT - So for all you people who know the Texas Law so we'll take a look

    搂 106.04 鈥?Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor

    (a鈥揵) A minor commits an offense if they consume alcohol unless they are in the visible presence of, and have the consent of their adult parent, legal guardian, or spouse.

    搂 106.05 Possession of Alcohol by a Minor

    (a) A minor commits an offense if they posses an alcoholic beverage.x


    (b) A minor may possess an alcoholic beverage:

    鈥?while in the course and scope of the minor鈥檚 employment if the minor is an employee of a licensee or permitted and the employment is not prohibited by this code

    鈥?if the minor is in the visible presence of his adult parent, guardian, or spouse, or other adult to whom the minor has been committed by a court

    (b) An alcoholic beverage may be provided to a minor by that minor鈥檚 adult parent, legal guardian, or spouse if they are visibly present when the minor possesses or consumes the alcoholic beverage.x

    So it says right there, thanks and goodnight. But, that only applies to you, only your parents can give YOU the alcohol, not your friends. (like I previously stated).
    I am so utterly upset at your answers. In 34 states it is LEGAL FOR PARENTS TO GIVE THEIR CHILDREN ALCOHOL!

    Texas is one of them, so is my state - Massachusetts. The only catch is a PARENT needs to give **THEIR** child the alcohol and then *WATCH* them drink it, in the PARENT'S HOUSE!

    All other circumstances, yes, you're right it is illegal for a minor to possess alcohol. So, your parents can't give your friend alcohol. They can't give you alcohol and then let you go in the basement unsupervised. They can't let you serve yourself out of their fridge. You can't drink in your house when the parents are away. You can't take the alcohol they give you to a friends house and drink it there. It applies specifically to the case of a parent giving their minor child alcohol and watching them drink it in their own house. Your parents can't, legally, give you an alcoholic drink in your friends house, in their friends house, or in your grandmother's house. If your parents are divorced and one has custody, you can't drink in the other parents household even with the legal custodian present.

    Fact of the matter is the law passed in 1984 which is tied to federal highway funding said that the PURCHASE, POSSESSION and TRANSPORTATION of alcohol by persons under 21 was illegal. It said nothing about drinking the stuff. Further, there can be statewide exceptions allowing possession. Some states may add in laws which forbit consumption, though these are rare. (In MA, there is no law which says minors cannot consume alcohol. They may not possess, purchase, or transport it. There also is no law which says people under 18 cannot smoke cigarettes. They simply cannot purchase them; posssession of cigarettes is generally unenforced even if it is specifically illegal).
    No, it's illegal. Your parents could get into a lot of trouble. They would/could be charged with Child Endangerment and Providing alcohol to miners. You and the people caught drinking could have your license taken away, it will effect your future getting a job, and may other things. Even if your parents are there it's illegal.
    I am not too sure if it it legal or not, but in North Carolina if a parent is caught giving their children alcohol even behind closed doors in the privacy of their home they may lose their license for a year.

    Not sure about texas though.
    Bad stuff can happen with beer, so you and Haley need to be careful. Laws are confusing so if you have questions you should, to be on the safe side, call your local police department's non emergency number and get the answer from them.
    No, it's illegal!

    and your parents would be seriously punished if they gave you guys alcohol.

    How can i get dry ice without a parent with me?

    i need some dry ice to do a ';science project'; that involvs 200tbs or dryiceHow can i get dry ice without a parent with me?
    Be over 18, or steal it. your choice. Also, the compound w wart remover is basically dry ice. Buy a bunch of that. Yeah, that should work.How can i get dry ice without a parent with me?
    put it in the sun, it'll dry right up
    pay A hobo or your cousin. and dry ice bombs suck use chlorine and alcohol

    Can you get contacts with prescription without a parent or do you need someone over 18?

    Can you get it with someone over 18?

    Can you just get it?

    How much and where are good places?

    I hear walmart, but do you need to fill out info for them? SORRY, lots of questions, please help! (;Can you get contacts with prescription without a parent or do you need someone over 18?
    Yes you will need an adult(at a legit place), they have to sign a consent form for you to get contacts. Depending on your prescription, contacts can cost from $23/box to $90/box, you might need to change them daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, depending on what contact brand the doctor feels is best for your eyes.
  • fashion makeup
  • Acting out because of the loss of a parent?

    My much older sister just recently lost her husband to terminal brain cancer. She has three children ages 23, 20, and 16. Her 16 year old daughter (my neice) has been acting out a lot lately, at school and at home. Could this possibly be related to the loss of her father? Any advice?Acting out because of the loss of a parent?
    Yes, definitely. It's an incredibly painful thing, to lose someone you love. I didn't lose my father, I lost my grandfather. But he was as important in my life as my father. It took me almost three years to really accept his loss. Which seems like a long time, but it didn't then.

    She's grieving. She needs to. But she needs help dealing with this, or she's going to find less-than-ideal ways to vent. But she'll be fine. Eventually. It's hard, I know, but eventually she'll be okay.Acting out because of the loss of a parent?
    Yes. My boyfriend's dad died recently. About maybe 8 months ago and he acts out, like terribly. Not with me though, but I've seen him. But, She will soon get over it. It's very hard, but she will eventully find a way to cope with it. It's just a little phase for the moment.;鈥?/a>
    Awwh, I'm sorry to hear. I think this is related to the loss of her father. I hope everything goes well for you and your family.

    How do I go about being a good parent?

    My son's due Valentine's Day, and I'm extremely nervous. Everyone's telling me that I'll be a great dad, but I'm SO nervous, because I'm so young, and it's my first child. We're keeping him, so I'd like to know what I should do to go about being a good dad.How do I go about being a good parent?
    Can I be blunt? Be the father found in the Bible.

    Patient, loving, kind, supportive, provider, leader of the family, strong but sensitive and NEVER be afraid to punish. We are there to be an example and lead our kids into being good adults - not simply be their friends.

    I have two adorable daughters who are not only intelligent, but some of the best behaved kids you have ever met (others say this all the time). They are polite, kind and respectful. However, there has been a time or two where they received a spanking in public, then they were made to apologize to everyone in the public setting that was disturbed by their poor behavior.

    Love them. Don't stress. Your world is about to change, it is the best thing that will ever happen to you.

    Oh, also spoil them, but not grossly. It is good for them to want. Get them out to volunteer and serve others at a young age so they can grow up enjoying doing things for others who are not as blessed. Also, teach them respect for authority and elders.

    One of the best things for them to see in their home is you loving their mother.How do I go about being a good parent?
    Try. That's all you have to do. Just make an effort. Get up with the baby. Don't be afraid to change diapers. Let mom take a long bath once in awhile. Rock him. Cuddle him. Love him. An effort and thoughtfulness goes a long way. Don't be nervous, the fact that you are worried about being a good dad says a lot! You really want to be a good dad. Good luck and take it easy. Congrats on bubs.
    The key to being a good dad is keeping the mother happy so she doesnt give the kid a hard time.

    How much should you respect an emotionally abusive parent?

    You should respect him/her as a person but respect your right to be treated fairly even more. How this translates into action would be to recognize the differences between being passive, agressive, and assertive. Being passive means allowing the parent to abuse you while failing to defend yourself - or wose, even believing the abusive words! Being agressive is attacking back and harming the parent thru words or action. The middle ground is assertiveness. Letting the person know that you will not allow him or her to treat you badly. This would be accomplished by assertively letting them know how you feel and asking for behavior change. Easier said then done!! You want to do this without getting furious, but their words likely infuriate you and lead you to respond in anger (aggression). Consider researching for a good book on assertive communication. Since this is your parent (if that is who we are talking about here), you will be stuck with them for many years (unless you chose to cut him/her out of your life). Therefore, learning to assert yourself with this person, without getting furious or behaving in a way that makes the situation worse, is very important. Not neccesarily because the parent deserves to be treated nicely, but because YOU deserve to be healthy - and allowing yourself to be abused, or contantly becoming angry and agressive in response to abuse, is unhealthy. Research suggests that holding in anger is unhealthy, but expressing anger is unhealthy as well. What should a person do? The best response is assertively sharing thoughts and feelings (which may eventually include letting someone know you will no longer have a relationship with them if they continue to abuse you!). Good Luck!!!How much should you respect an emotionally abusive parent?
    If the parent continually disrespected me I would disrespect and probably end up hating them. Most parents like this are probably insecure and don't rely on themselves at all. Use that to your advantage so when you grow up you don't repeat that destructive cycle.How much should you respect an emotionally abusive parent?
    my mom was like that ..... you can respect just not the abuse ...if you can separate the two... get away from them because it will have long term effect on you ... they need help and you probley do too.... but you have to get away from that situation and let the abuser know that they are hurting you
    Yes, do respect them. It seems that you may be thinking this is the wrong answer. But ';do unto oters as you would have others do unto you.'; If you want your parents to respect you, then you should respect them.
    Oh dear, that's a tough one. I would politelly voice my concern and ask for it to be sorted out.

    If that doesn't work I would report them to the child protection services.

    Good luck
    you shouldnt respect them at all if they dont respect you.

    in the end you learn from them and that is what you have learnt... its their fault.
    Not very much. If this person is intentionally doing things to hurt other peoples feelings, then that person is probably self-obsessed.
    If too abusive, not at all.

    I have absolute contempt for all abuse.
    Youb don't

    When you go to an interview at a University, do you really need to take your parent/s?

    Is it that parents have nothing better to do? If you were about to interview someone, would the fact that their parents were there put you off or would you feel more positive about the University candidate?When you go to an interview at a University, do you really need to take your parent/s?
    If this is an interview for admission into the University, then the parents shouldn't be there (in my opinion). That's the time for the student to show off how wonderful they are and how mature they are, that they are ready for college. Bringing Mommy or Daddy along would be a bad idea.

    If this is just an informational visit, before you start applying to colleges, then it doesn't matter. In that case the admissions people are there to tell you why their school is great, and you and your parents (if you want them there) are there to find out if it is the right place for you, and possibly if you can afford to go there in the first place.When you go to an interview at a University, do you really need to take your parent/s?
    Unless the university specifically requested the presence of your parents, I would try to get them to go visit the student center or something during the interview. Sometimes, though, the interview is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about the university and parents also have questions.

    Is this a required admissions interview? If so, I DEFINITELY wouldn't have my parents there. If it is just an informal interview it shouldn't matter that much.

    Maybe if parental presence is required they want to see if you can behave around your parents or if them being around makes you act like a child.
    If I were conducting an interview, I probably woudn't like having parents there, unless I was supposed to secretly judge the candidate based on their parents, which isn't right.
    I work for a university, trust me, it's all about the sell. The Enrollment Counselor, who probably works on commission like many do, are trying to sell to both you and your parents to ensure you go there. It's not at all necessary and if you have a check the university will take you unless you're going to Harvard or something like that where incoming freshman are extremely limited. Think of an Enrollment Counselor as a car salesman, try to keep control of the conversation by asking questions and remember you are choosing to spend 4+ years there and give them thousands upon thousands of dollars. You're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you. Good luck!

    What are some disadvantages of being a single parent?

    what are some disadvantages/advantages?

    i would like answers that are from personal experience if possible.

    I am a single parent, and I am doing a presentation and would like other's opinions.What are some disadvantages of being a single parent?
    It's hard when I'm sick....There is no one else to take care of my son if I've got the flu so I just have to suck it up and take care of him.What are some disadvantages of being a single parent?

    with one income you sometimes qualify for more programs and assistance - headstart, WIC, early choices, and other state funded programs.

    you are able to make the deicsions on how you want your child to be raised. when co parenting you must compromise and work together to raise the child. coming from two separate families it is hard to find a common ground. one believes a child should have a TV in their room the other was raised that it is awful. one parent was raised that children should call adults by their last names only and the other was raised to call adults by their first names if that is what they prefer.

    If you are happier alone then the whole family would benefit from not being in an unhappy relationship. When parents fight the children suffer.

    Children are often closer to their extended family because they will help out the single parent more often than if they had two parents at home all the time.


    Living on one income is harder than living on two incomes.

    Having a partner to help with the daily life chores so that more time can be spent relaxing and playing with the children.

    Having to work and being able to find someone to care for the children when they are sick and cannot go to daycare.

    Being up all night wiht a baby and then having to go to work and do everything alone.

    Not being able to be two places at once. Feeling guilty about not being able to attend everything and have cupcakes for the bake sale and afford to have 3 extra activities.

    Feeling guilty about wanting to date and meet someone. Finding someone that will love your children like you do. Leaving them with a sitter while going out.

    Having to take the children out with you to get their medicine or to the grocery store for necessities they need when they are ill.

    Being a parent is hard. Being a single parent is extremely hard.

    Good Luck. SD
    Like I said when I answered the last question. I'm not a single parent but I my husband is deployed a lot so I've become the main parent a lot.

    Not being able to share and laugh about those everyday things that parents get to see together.

    No one to just hold a child or comfort the child when you're worn out.

    No one to help out or make dinner just because you don't feel like it.

    Kids **might not understand what a healthy relationship is when they become adults.


    Custody--if it's even an issue.

    Patience. Sometimes I can go crazy [not in front of the kids] because it's constant interaction and no breaks.

    Good luck on your presentation!
    well, a huge study in sweden has shown that having a single mom, regardless of her income level, means you will be twice as likely to be unemployed, mentally ill, and a substance abuser. that's a disadvantage.

    also, more than 10 hours a week separation from mommy is extremely damaging to an infant and toddler's emotional, phsyical, cognitive, and social well being, so that's a huge disadvantage.

    also, kids need the modeling of a relationship between two adults to prepare them for being able to do relationships well.

    also, single parents are too tired to take good care of their kids and themselves.
    I am a single parent. Disadvantages-no one to share responsibilities. I am the mother, father, disciplinarian all the time. When he is sick, I have no one to help clean, take him to the doctor. It is very hard work.

    Advantages- I am the one who gets to kiss the boo boo's. I get all the hugs and kisses.
    Advantage- can't think of any offhandedly

    Disadvantage- No one to share the childcare responsibility
    Instead of thinking short term (no one to watch the kid, make dinner, etc.) think of the long term implications.

    Children who grow up without 2 loving parents have no idea what a healthy, loving adult relationship is like. Guys are more likely to get girls pregnant young, girls are more likely to stay with abusers. The girls especially search for a father figure their entire lives. There is much research to back this up. Also, the kids are more likely to try drugs and alcohol and less likely to go to college.
    I'm a single parent. The only ';disadvantage'; I have expierenced was nothing having another adult shoulder to ';cry'; on sometimes. Other than that there were no disadvantages. I prefered it over having a partner who was an absentee father at best.
    Advantages? None really. Unless you were in a negative relationship that caused you and / or your children emotional or physical stress. In that case, it's far better to be happy and go it alone.

    Disadvantages? Lots.

    - no help, especially in the first few weeks when you need sleep and baby cries continuously while adjusting to sleep rhythms.

    -just missing out on the joys of being able to share that experience, whilst pregnant, birthing especially! and those little special moments at home.

    - missing out on the joy of watching dad beam over his little angel, and being reassured that you are doing your best and look wonderful, even though you know you look worse than ever just after giving birth!

    - struggling financially, not being able to spend as much time with your child due to work commitments. Or staying home but not being able to afford much.

    In a nutshell, the emotional and physical support is what makes the whole experience of parenthood really enjoyable, for me that is. I was a single mother with my first child, after the father walked out on me when I was pregnant. I have never seen him since. It was really tough and very LONELY.

    Financially it was a real struggle, and although I managed to put myself through uni, I also had to work and look after my child. It was my child that missed out. I had no family support either, which made things even worse.

    Now, I am married and have another three children with my husband. I can't compare the two, this time around I get to enjoy my children.. It is much easier when the load is shared and much more fun.

    And the children are much more balanced...

    If you have access to money and family support, things may be different but in general, I would not recommend it to anyone. Unless, of course, you are in a bad relationship which is affecting both you and the child.
    disadvantages- finances, sharing child caring, guilt, not spending enough time with the child, not being able to make every practice or game, dating

    advantages- less laundry and cooking for 2

    Acting out because of the loss of a parent?

    My much older sister just recently lost her husband to terminal brain cancer. She has three children ages 23, 20, and 16. Her 16 year old daughter (my neice) has been acting out a lot lately, at school and at home. Could this possibly be related to the loss of her father? Any advice?Acting out because of the loss of a parent?
    It's most likely due to the loss of her dad. She probably should go into grief counseling. It would help her a lot. She is going through so much right now and probably feels she has no one she can turn too. Doesn't want to tell mom or siblings because she wants to be ';strong'; for them. So she is showing her grief in the only way a teen knows how to show it.Acting out because of the loss of a parent?
    Grief is a terrible thing, very hard to deal with. Her father died. She's probably suffering very badly. I'd look into some therapy or grief counseling to help her through this very hard time in her life.
    yes, she needs counseling with her mom and for her grief
  • fashion makeup
  • If a hermaphrodite impregnates themslelves, will the child be a naturally born exact clone of the parent?

    This question has been bugging me for a while now. If anyone can truthfully answer. Naturally, this is a hypothetical question, so ignore things like pregnancy and birth complications.If a hermaphrodite impregnates themslelves, will the child be a naturally born exact clone of the parent?
    no, there are still dominant and recessive genes and all that, and each gene is randomly generated in each sperm or egg. if you had the same genes in every one of your eggs or sperm, then all brothers and sisters would be twins.If a hermaphrodite impregnates themslelves, will the child be a naturally born exact clone of the parent?
    It's next to impossible for a hermaphrodite to impregnate themselves. Also, majority of hermaphrodites tend to be infertile as adults and a lot of them never get to have their own biological children.
    no, the generation of ova and sperm are not exact processes, with some pseudorandom mixing of characteristics. Since the parent can contribute either of its parents' chromosomes to both the egg and sperm, it's entirely possible to double up on one grandparent's chromosomes, which would certainly not be a clone of the parent.
    Theres's been work done with barnacles. With millions of offspring, the complications are dealt with by numbers and deleterious recessives are eliminated at and accelerated rate. Self fertilization results in recombinaion. Each chromosome in both gamates is randomly selected and cross over events occur.
    A heraphrodite has sex organs from bth sexes, but not necessarily the DNA to support it.

    In zoology and botany, a hermaphrodite is an organism that possesses both male and female sex organs during its life[1]. In many species, hermaphroditism is a common part of the life-cycle, particularly in some asexual animals and some plants. Generally, hermaphroditism occurs in the invertebrates, although it occurs in a fair number of fish, and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates. Typically, in hermaphrodites belonging to a species in which hermaphroditism is not the norm (humans, for example), reproduction is not possible, but there are some instances in which sperm or ova are capable of conceiving offspring. On very rare occasions, such a hermaphrodite can even impregnate itself, but this will result in complications, such as the offspring having identical DNA to its parent.

    Gonadal dysgenesis is a type of intersexuality formerly known as ';true hermaphroditism';. It occurs in about one percent of mammals, including human beings, but it is extremely rare for both sets of organs to be functional; usually neither set is functional. In humans, these manifestations are often altered (sometimes only cosmetically) to resemble standard male or female anatomy shortly after birth - often without the parents' knowledge or (informed) consent.
    It is less hypothetical than you may think. There are women that can self impregnate. It is a scientific fact, although quite rare. As far as complications go, that is very variable. The offspring could be genetic copy of the mother. There might be complications, and then there might not. Family genetics would play a role since no child carries the traits of just mother and father. Traits go back as far as 2 or 3 generations on each side. A woman who could self impregnate might have sufficient genetic traits as to protect the child from complications of in family breeding.

    Can a teenager use their parents card, of course with parent permission?

    I'm 17.

    do i need an i.d?

    letter from parents?

    sign a signature?Can a teenager use their parents card, of course with parent permission?
    depends on what you're paying for. If it's an online order, all you need to do is put in the number of the credit card..Can a teenager use their parents card, of course with parent permission?
    Which card might that be? Library card? Marijuana card? Oooooh it has to be a credit card. Well back in my day, late 80's%26amp; early 90's my dad would write a letter, signed %26amp; made sure to sign the back of the library card, oops I mean credit card.
    If you are using debit, you typically do not have to show id...

    if you are using credit then they are supposed to ask.

    just a signed note

    Can you baptize your baby, with only 1 parent catholic?

    Can you baptize your baby, with only 1 parent catholic. My fiance and want to baptize our baby. I am Catholic she is not. Will the church allow us to baptize her or does my fiance have to convert to Catholicism first. Inside the church that is.Can you baptize your baby, with only 1 parent catholic?
    Yes, a baby can be baptized if only one parent is Catholic, as long as the priest has some assurance that you will actually be raising the child Catholic. Happens all the time.Can you baptize your baby, with only 1 parent catholic?
    Yes you can baptize your child. You're fiancee does not necessarily have to become a Catholic. It would make the process easier though. If this is your first child, then you will have to go through classes in order to have her baptized. Congratulations! God bless!
    Definitely. Let her be baptized:). The baptism is not about you, it's about the baby. I'm not sure if the mother could be part of the ceremony, though, because when you're there you say that you will help the child grow up in God's way. You probably need to check on that.

    Filling out the FASFA now that your a parent?

    I need advice on what to put on the FASFA now that I am a parent. What income do i use?Filling out the FASFA now that your a parent?
    All of your income which gets taxedFilling out the FASFA now that your a parent?
    you use all taxable income. There should be a worksheet to help you out.
    When you fill out the FAFSA, you should have all Social Security Numbers, driver鈥檚 licenses, income tax returns, bank statements, and investment records handy. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. If you fill it out online ( ) it is really easy and straightforward - you use your income tax forms to fill out most of it. If you file your own taxes you use your own income tax forms. If your parents still claim you as a dependent you use your parents.

    Good luck!

    If i am underage and go to a clinic, do i have to have a parent concent to be tested for bacterial vaginosis?

    I want to get tested for bacterial vaginosis and STD's at the local clinic.

    do i have to have a parent gardian to be with me to get tested?If i am underage and go to a clinic, do i have to have a parent concent to be tested for bacterial vaginosis?
    No. At Planned Parenthood, and many other family planning and teen clinics, you can get tested without a parent's consent or knowledge. They may also have a sliding pay scale which will make it cheaper, or possibly even free, if you can't afford full price.If i am underage and go to a clinic, do i have to have a parent concent to be tested for bacterial vaginosis?
    i think so... well at least in canada if your under 16 than im pretty sure you do... it wont hurt to look up some all age confidant clinics around you

    try calling a few and see what you get
    depends wer u r in uk u dont have to b with a parent n they wont tell ur parents

    What's the opinion of an American parent about the TV show ';The Secret Life of the American Teenager';?

    Is it sad that the show is all about sex and dating, and the characters are only about 13 y/o (i believe).

    whats the opinion of a parent of an american teenager?What's the opinion of an American parent about the TV show ';The Secret Life of the American Teenager';?
    As a parent my opinion of The Secret Life of an American Teenager'; shows the realities that many teens face. Peer pressure is a huge one. It also shows the out come of teenagers having sex, the heart break of it and a teen pregnancy. Personally I think it could be a good way for other teenagers to see the high chance of pregnancy if they decide to have sex. Contraceptives are not fool proof and I wish more parents would realize this. Just because it reduces the risk does not make teenagers having sex right or anymore safe. Why risk it at all when you don't have to? But it's a very eye opening show that does just as the name suggests; it's the life of a lot of typical teens in America. I wish more were like Grace though (saving themselves for marriage and having morals).What's the opinion of an American parent about the TV show ';The Secret Life of the American Teenager';?
    The characters are fifteen and a lot of it, you don't want to admit, but it happens in real life, the sex and dating. I am 16, and very few of my friends are still virgins, and it shows all the negative outcomes of teenagere having sex. Have you actually watched more than one episode? It also shows plenty of good moral values. There is actually a couple on that show, that is all about Christianity, and abstinence until mairrage. All in all i don't think it will hurt anyone to watch it. It shows nothing innapropriate. If your'e worried, go check out MTV nowadays.

    Besides, ask anyone who watches that show and they'll say ';it's so corny and unrealistic, but it's addictive! I can't stop watching it!';

    EDIT: Jen Y, the title does say AN, really, at least thats what i thought.
    I'm not a parent of a teen, but my teen sister is currently living with my husband, kids, and I, so I kind of take that place.

    My sister and watch that show together and I think that is good for us to talk about together. She is 27 weeks pregnant so she already has gone through one of the girl's situations, but it's good for her to talk about still. I don't think that show is teaching any girl to go out and get pregnant, so I don't see why the show is harmful! I don't advise little kids watching it, that is why it says in the beginning of the show that parent's are recommended to accompany kids when they watch the show.
    I think that the show is good in one aspect because it helps open the lines of communication between parents and teenagers. It also helps parents realize that ';hey my kid could be or is doing this too.'; Sex is happening at younger and younger ages and some parents are clueless. This show can help parents realize what is going on with kids these days.

    Now having kids watch this show- I don't really know. I haven't really sat down to watch it myself, but the concept alone would make me not want a child under 12 or so watching it alone.
    I think its a realistic view of the life of a teenager. Obviously not every teenager gets into drugs and sex and stuff but many people teenagers go to school with do these kind of things and theres a lot of peer pressure to do them. I think its a really helpful show that shows kids the consequences of these kinds of things.
    I think it does hit some points that are real...the communication between teens and their parents, certain drama issues that go on in school, pregnancy etc. but the title is sad. It should say AN American teenager...not THE American teenager. It makes it seem like every American teenager lives this kind of life.
    Oh, I'm 13 and love that show. And to let you know most of them are like 15 or 16 (youngest if one of the sisters that is 13). I go to a school kind of like that. A couple of my friends aren't virgins.....

    My mom likes me to watch those shows that demonstrate teen parents (Juno, Secret Life, and Baby Borrowers). She thinks it's good birth control.
    I love the show (Im 15)

    When i told my mom about she thought it was good to watch cause it teachs you about things you need to watch out for except i dont go to that type of school

    They are 15 through 17(in the show)
    Texas Mommys children are ugly eww
    That all the children that go to that school need birth control
    the people on the show are in high school and most of it is aboutsex but its still really good
    I'm in highschool and was surprised at all the sex featured in it. We're a little more moral than the stories adults are writing for us.
  • fashion makeup
  • Do you have to attend an approved parent education and family stabilization course if your contesting divorce?

    My husband and I agreed on a divorce, he filed the paperwork and when i got the divorce papers he requested visitation. I am not denying him his legal rights, but he hasnt had a stable home environment in over a year, so I wanted to allow him to adapt to a stable environment before he has weekend (sleepover)visitation with the kids. So i am contesting the papers but after reading stuff online it says something about attending a course, but thats only for the first filing. it says nothing about the person contesting the divorce papers, if they have to attend this class.Do you have to attend an approved parent education and family stabilization course if your contesting divorce?
    You can't stop him from having the kids unless you have a good reason, like he would neglect them, abuse them or they would be in some type of danger in his care. What your definition of a stable environment isn't worth nothing, It's going to be up to the courts to decide that.Do you have to attend an approved parent education and family stabilization course if your contesting divorce?
    I've never heard of that and I've been through 3 divorces with 4 kids.

    Well, I don't see how he can have whole weekends if he hasn't got a home. If he's a street person, I'm sure the judge will see these kinds of visits aren't or shouldn't be rendered right now.

    What good will a class do ?? If he's a da, doesn't he already know what he needs to do right to be a good dad?

    When were you able to tell which parent your baby looked like?

    So when were you able to tell which parent your baby looked like...I have an older son who is 3.4 .....when he was born he looked like me now he looks more like his dad eyes wise....I have a 3 month old new baby boy and he also looks like me but each day he looks so different!1 One day me one day my husband and one day neither of us!!! This one is confusing.....Do they keep changing for months?When were you able to tell which parent your baby looked like?
    The baby is born with a mix of gene pools from you and hubby. As baby grows and develops the little face, expressions, mannerisms grow and develop also. Sometimes it will be the way they look suddenly looks like the father or the wide smile may be like mum. Eyes often change shape as the face develops and a blue or green pair of eyes may change to brown... It can take a year for baby to start looking how they will look for life and even then as the face matures and they loose the little baby face and teeth grow etc they will still alter. I hope this helps..When were you able to tell which parent your baby looked like?
    When my daughter was born she looked exactly like me in my baby pictures! Now that she is almost two months she looks just like her father. I think it will probably stay that way too.
    well when my daughter was born she was the pit of her dad no way he could deny her shes a year old and shes like me mostly eyes and mouth but has dads nose:)
    As soon as he was born I thought he looked like my husband, and really right at first he looked alot like my father in law.

    Can a child be homeschooled by the parent in the US or Norway?

    Neither, one or both?Can a child be homeschooled by the parent in the US or Norway?
    The answer is yes for both countries. In the US, the laws vary greatly from one state to another, but at this time home education is allowed in all 50 states.

    Home Education, known in Noway as Education Otherwise, is legal in Norway under supervision.Can a child be homeschooled by the parent in the US or Norway?

    Below are portions of the Texas Education Code which deal with compulsory attendance. Home schools are exempt from compulsory attendance according to Section 25.086(a)(1) because they have been determined by the Texas courts to be private schools. Included are the portions of greatest interest to Texas home educators. The complete Texas Education Code can be found on the Internet at .

    Sec. 25.085. Compulsory School Attendance.

    (a) A child who is required to attend school under this section shall attend school each school day for the entire period the program of instruction is provided.

    (b) Unless specifically exempted by Section 25.086, a child who is at least six years of age, or who is younger than six years of age and has previously been enrolled in first grade, and who has not completed the academic year in which the child's 18th birthday occurred shall attend school.

    (c) On enrollment in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, a child shall attend school.

    Sec. 25.086. Exemptions.

    (a) A child is exempt from the requirements of compulsory school attendance if the child:

    (1) attends a private or parochial school that includes in its course a study of good citizenship...

    (5) is at least 17 years of age and:

    (A) is attending a course of instruction to prepare for the high school equivalency examination; or

    (B) has received a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate...

    I don't know about Norway.
    US depends on the state rules, but I think most allow some form of home schooling.

    In Norway it's theoretically possible, but I don't think it's very common. There are quite strict rules on the supervision by the local authority. There is a homeschooling association as well. Men det er alle p氓 norsk
    I know for sure you can in America. Some states even have virtual schools, where work is done on line with little teacher contact, like once or twice a month. depending on the course. usually 7th grade and up.

    My daughter has done homeschooling since 7th grade, and she is in her sophmore/junior classes and starting some senior classes.
    US: yes if they have the right credentials

    I'm not sure about norway

    If I sell a car to a parent, do they have to pay sales tax?

    I'm located in Caliornia, and want to sell a car for cheap or free to my parents. How can they not pay taxes, or do they? Does the DMV verify how much it was sold for or just the price you tell them?If I sell a car to a parent, do they have to pay sales tax?
    Lowest amount that DMV will accept is $1.00,they don't accept a ';free'; bill of sale cause they can't tax ';free';.Registration each year will be about $56.00.They won't investigate, just put the amount on the form they'll give you.Think there's a space on the back of the pink slip for sale price.If I sell a car to a parent, do they have to pay sales tax?
    When you sell OR give a car to a parent it's called a ';Family Transfer'; and is NOT subject to smog or tax. but you need additional Form REG 256 Statement of Facts. Section A check first box. Section B check boxes 4 %26amp; 5. turn it over and sign the bottom of the paper. That form and the title is all you need. It costs $15 for the transfer.

    You can download the form off the internet.

    Your car is not a gift in this's a family transfer. But if it was a gift then:

    Only if the car was a gift do you write in the cars KBB value. If you put down $1, that would raise red flag for the BOE (Board of Equalization) and it would come back and bite your ***. The reason to put down the real value is not for tax reasons. It's what the DMV uses next year for calculating registration fees.
    Of course not. If you sell stuff at a garage sell, same thing. The only thing you need is pay for the transfer of ownership via pink slip. Just get the paperwork done and pay for a small fee, less than $100 I bet.

    You could give it for free, but the pink slip fee is the only cost the DMV cares about.
    Rules on this vary from state to state. Check with your local DMV for tax exemption rules regarding sales to parents/siblings. In WI, we do not have to pay tax if we buy from a parent/sibling/spouse. Good luck %26amp; happy motoring.
    Within reason they believe the information you provide to them.

    You can't say you sold a 2006 Mercedes for $250 to avoid sales taxes. They aren't that stupid down at the DMV. Be truthful, that's the best policy.
    You can't donate a car or vehicle unless the recipient is a bonafide charity. Go online and type in the make/model/year and see what the lowest value - and that's what you'll write down in Bill of sale and on DMV form.
    Sell it for 100.00 dollars and pay the 7 to10 in sales tax. Then you are never haunted by state tax man.

    How do you feel when you see a child misbehaving badly in public and the parent does nothing to stop it?

    It makes me feel better about my own children. For all of the challenges of parenting them, they are not perfect. When I see other people's children behaving outrageously in public I realize that I'm lucky my children don't behave like that. I also feel some sympathy for the parents, however inept they appear to be as parents, because it's really difficult to discipline your children under other people's scrutiny. No matter what you do, there's always going to be someone who doesn't think it's the right thing.How do you feel when you see a child misbehaving badly in public and the parent does nothing to stop it?
    the parent is lazy, is my first thought. secondly i think, does the parent even know to do something about it. overall, i think the parent is incompetent. its the kids job to behave as they do, and its the parents job to manage it, or at least try.How do you feel when you see a child misbehaving badly in public and the parent does nothing to stop it?
    It makes me want to go over and smack the parent for not doing anything. How will their kids learn how to act in public if the parents don't make them behave ? It makes you wonder how they act at home.
    I feel very aggravated! I have 3 kids and they know if they act up in the store i will spank them right there in front of God and everybody! Therefor they do not act up in the store. Maybe it's because I live in TX but nobody has ever turned me in for swatting one of their behinds in public. And for the record I am not ';smacking'; them around a swat to the butt to let them know this is not acceptable is alot different than beating your child.
    as a fellow parent- i want to spank them. it's rude and inconsiderate for parents to let their children be hellions. Unfortunately, this day in age, kids are terrors. If my child was misbehaving in public, we'd g to the car and leave.

    However, we have a friend who has a child who has autism. She doesn't realize when she being rude or loud. But if anyone looks, you can tell that the mother is explaining to her her behavior is inappropriate.
    This is funny. I have 2 kids. Yes, they act up in public. However, if you do ANYTHING to them (yes even yell) you get accused of child abuse. So you deal with it when you get home and threaten them there quietly( so no one can hear you) and with a smile on your face (so no one can tell).
    And people continue to be so judgemental, I could scream...

    Please remember that you do not know every person's life story. For all you know, the mother's husband was just shipped off to Iraq that morning, the children are acting out because they don't know what is going on, and she is just trying to get through the day.

    Or maybe the child has a disorder that you couldn't possibly see, as the respondant said earlier about the child with autism. If you don't know anything about this devastating disorder, I invite you to learn all you can. Perhaps you will be less judgemental when you learn how difficult it is for these parents to simply take a shower in their own home, let alone run errands.

    In fact, the last published statistic claimed that 1 in 166 children had a form of this dosorder (in the late 90's) and that it is the fasted-growing developmental disorder in the world.

    That means if you go to a large grocery store on a Saturday, there could easily be one or two children with autism in that store. And they could very easily be having meltdowns. Meanwhile, you are sitting back in your uneducated mind and thinking ';What a shitty parent s/he is. Why not just smack the kid?';

    Or maybe there is no disorder, and the parent just doesn't know what s/he is doing. Yes, there is no denying it, there are shitty parents out there. The government does not prevent them from having children. But instead of bitching about how much 'better things used to be,' try showing a little compassion. Instead of condemning that parent, ask him/her if there is anything you could do to help him/her get through that errand faster. It would help that parent out greatly and, just think, you could get that crappy kid out of your life that much faster...
    Rugrat who will turn into a spoiled, whiny adult.
    There have been plenty of times that my kids have acted up in public. And sometimes you just have to get an errand done. There are lots of suggested techniques for dealing with meltdowns, and one of them is ignoring the child. I've never seen it work, and I couldn't imagine doing it myself, but it's not for me to judge the parenting style of other parents. Besides, I'd much rather watch a bratty kid getting away with something than watch a parent smack a kid around, you know?
    I'd probably do the same thing I did the other day while in the check out line,this kid kept stepping on my toes and then went in the the empty area at a check stand ans was playing with the register.I looked at the mom and told her she had the most obnoxious kids I have seen in a long time.She mumbled something in a language that was foreign to me and the child then stood beside the mom giving me mean looks.If a parent can't control their kids they should leave them at home
    I think this is why there are so many kids with ';problems'; because their parents don't do their job of parenting properly. Kids are turning into little s.h.i.t.s because they are not being taught from a young age how to behave
    well yelling at kids in public is not appropriate it should be taken care of in private, its a fact that most children wont even listen to there parents in public when getting in trouble because they put an act on.

    if your child is misbehaving leave the store and take care of your personal problems alone not in front of strangers
    Do you have kids?
    I am usually just thankful that the child is not my own.
    IMO, I can see those parents having a really tough time when they are in their teens.
    earlier i used the get troubled, now i seem to relish it
    Children need to be disciplined. If the parents can't do that, they shouldn't be having kids.
    I feel times have changed so much that these kids do this. Society and government has gotten so involved in trying to tell parents what they shouldn't do that when a parent tries to disciple their child someone screams child abuse. Back in the older days children had respect for their parents and displays like that where unheard of because you were set straight with just a look