I couldn't afford daycare, when it came to baby arriving time, it was a hard decision, but with my salary and even with my benefits it didn't get us ahead when we factored in daycare costs.
This comment from people saying it's a luxury to stay at home drives me nuts and it should not be a generalized comment, there are a lot of factors when it comes right down to it.Why do you say a stay@home parent is fortunate?
Yes, but bottom line is that stay at home parents are lucky, because they get to experience all the firsts.....they get to influence their child exactly the way they want to without worrying about strangers.....a child was found in a dark closet with a pacifer taped to it's mouth at a local daycare, and yet somehow people still think daycare is a GOOD OPTION....LOLWhy do you say a stay@home parent is fortunate?
Not a lot of mothers have the opportunity to raise their children full-time whne they are so young. Leaving them should break your heart. if you don't feel that way, yes, go back to work. Then get those tubes tied. Putting a child in daycare for someone else to raise and clean and teach, is not the right way to parent. No daycare will ever treat your child like you do. Get real, honey.
Because you ARE fortunate! I'd kill to be able to stay home and not work - but I can't. I'm the main income provider and I'm the one with the health benefits (my hubby is self-employed). So when we have kids, I will not be able to stay at home. I have no choice. People that do that have choice are lucky.
I think it is fortunate because you are the one who is able to raise your children and teach them things the way you want to teach them not a caretaker. To me it is fortunate to stay home and see the different milestones that they go through.
Well, being a stay at home mom or dad is great! I mean who doesn't want to be able to watch their child grow? It IS a luxury. If you love your child you SHOULD be fortunate in order to do so.
If you don't WANT to stay home [regardless if you financially can or cannot] WHY did you have kids in the first place? If a person would rather work given the opportunity WHY would they choose to have kids in the first place?
Think about it.
Don't be upset by the comment. I'm a sole income mother and I wish I could spend more time with my daughter. Some people are more cut to the stay at home work and can't afford to do it, some people are more cut to the office work and can't afford to do it.
Can't have it all ... sometimes, so try to make the best of it!!
In a way i would say is a privilege because you can spend more time with your kids %26amp; enjoy every minute with them %26amp; also have everything ready when hubby gets back from work.. But when with one salary at home is not enough then it could be frustrating because us people don't know how good or bad economically you are.. But maybe as stay home mom you can work from home I have know pople who work form home and earn a little more.. Or if you are good at baking or coking or doing something that you can sale this could be a way to earn a little more or even you can babysit one or 2 kids.. I was thinking to do this maybe in a year or 2 because rigth now I am planning on going back to college finish and get a good job for part time and spend more time with my kids.. BEst wishes :)
I think what people mean is for those of us who want to stay home it is a luxury that we are able to do that.
It's fortunate for you because you are able to be with your wonderful children, and for some of us that is not possible. We feel unfortunate, we think you are fortunate. It is not a luxury in all cases, (as in yours), but you can't deny that it's a blessing. I think it's wonderful you can be there for them each day. That's what I'm working toward as well.
I do not judge either way.
But this is why I feel fortunate. I love taking my kids to school and being the one to pick them up every day. I love helping out at their school, and not having to worry about missing work if they are sick. Many other reasons I feel fortunate also.
I feel I am at a disadvantage because I do not dress as nicely as I like and my kids do not get to be in everything they want because we cannot afford it, BUT I feel it is a worthy trade, they are only young once and these are very important years I want to spend with them, the nice clothes etc can come later. My kids do have nice clothes and shoes etc. I just sacrifice on myself I guess to keep cost down.
I am not entirely certain what your question is. I am a stay at home mom and I love it! I do feel it is a luxury, which is not to say it isn't hard work.
I think the luxury is if you have the choice whether to be a stay at home mom or work. Some people don't even have the choice, they absolutely have to work or absolutely have to stay at home. The luxury is the choice to do what you want and what works best for your family, in my opinion.
most working parents work because they have to. Daycare isnt n issue for us, we work different shifts to be sure that one of us is always home. If I could stay home, ild be able to enjoy my kids more, my house would stay clean, I could oversee more things around here. working is hard and a lot of stress, I think sahms are very luckey. If you really want to get out of the house, you could always join a club or something that meets a few hours a week. For me, working isnt a choice, its a nessesity, without my job we couldnt pay our bills, can barely get by now. I just think that if I were a sahm things here would be a lot less caotic. dont let that bother you. Its sort of a compliment, saying I wish I did what you do. I guess the grass is always greener huh?
I am a SAHM of 4, 5, and 7 year old and am 2 months pregnant. I feel so fortunate that I've been able to stay home with my children. Yes, it has been hard at times. And no, its usually not very glamorous. You sometimes feel like you have no social life. But, it is all so worth it to me. I am very greatful for the opportunity that I have been given. However, being a SAHM is certainly not for everyone. I have friends who couldn't wait to go back to work. Everyone is different.
I am 58 years old and I was a stay at home mom and I am thankful that I could be.
I was able to take my son to school and pick him up, help with homework, volunteer at school, watch him play sports, go with him on field trips, have lunch with him sometimes.
When he went to high school, I was still there when he came home, I went to soccer games when he played.
I am fortunate because I was there for my son and he didn't have to go to day care, or stay in an after school care until I could pick him up. I was there to watch him and teach him.
He is 26 years old, and he never drank, smoke and was a straight A student. He went to college and now he is a Police Officer. He has been a fantastic son, a good son. He will call me or e-mail me and always say he loves me and thanks me for always being there for him.
I think because a lot of people are forced to go back to work when they want to spend time at home with their kids. They can't spend as much time as they want to at home because of their financial situation and so they have to work their nine to five jobs and have to drop their kids off at the sitters or at daycare. Many of them feel as though they are missing out on a lot of things in their child's life because they are stuck at work. The people that downgrade stay at home Mothers are probably just jealous that the stay at home Moms get to be there so much more. I know if I went back to work I'd be jealous of my friend Emily (she's a stay at home Mom) because the most amazing things could happen while you're at work especially if your child is very young (you could miss out on the first time he or she says their first word, could miss out on the first time they actually take stable walks, ect), there are a lot of reasons why people say it's a luxury, but a long with that luxury it is also like a real job especially if you're the type that does the housework, prepares all the meals, and so on. Stay at home Mothers in my opinion don't get enough credit for everything that they do if they are putting their best foot forward. It's all about effort these days. I don't judge Moms who work at regular jobs for a living and I don't judge stay at home Moms. Everything takes hard work to really get by these days because life is expensive. Hmm, well with that said I wish you and your family the best of luck. Sorry for all of my rambling! :)
Even though it would have been more expensive to put my son in daycare if i had chosen to do so, I feel fortunate to have had the chance to be a SAHM. Many mothers don't have the choice; they HAVE to work and leave their newborns in germ - ridden daycares run by strangers. They have to miss out on many of the firsts - first smile, first laugh, first crawl, first step, etc. Instead, I was home with my son from the day he was born until he started 2 - day preschool last month at age 37 months. I never missed a single one of his firsts, we have a very strong bond, and I can say with pride that it is because of ME, not because of a daycare provider, that he is the bright, happy, independent, and all around wonderful little boy he is today. I wouldn't have traded this for any amount of money in the world, and that's why I find it hard to understand why so many mothers who DO have the choice decide to leave their babies and go back to work. What's that saying about the value they place on their children - that a paycheck is more important than their own flesh and blood? It's pretty sad, in my opinion.
Still, people often think being a SAHM isn't work. Working moms do NOT do twice the work - they instead pay a stranger to their work for them. If it weren't work, they wouldn't be paying $300 a week to a daycare to take care of their children. So I wouldn't really describe it as a luxury so much as I would a blessing, but it's still WORK!
I am a stay at home mom and so feel very fortunate that I am able to be one. I think people just mean that in this day and age it is so hard to survive on one income. Some moms would love to be able to stay at home with their children and just can't either because they make the larger income or their job supplies the insurance for the family.
But there is the other side too, some moms could stay home and choose not to that is ok too. It just depends on the person and what works best for the family.
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