Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What are your opinions on teen and parent relationship?

I'm doing an article for a school newspaper on teen and parent relationship, and how much time they actually spend with their kids, and how much involved parents are in their child's life.

So please help me out and tell me about your relationship with your child. Not too personal, just enough to give me an idea for the article.

ThanksWhat are your opinions on teen and parent relationship?
I'm a sole parent of an 18yo son ,we have been on our own since he was 5,we have always talked about everything %26amp; been open %26amp; honest ,i have never been a parent that flies off the handle at things ,no matter what he told me ,even if I'm shocked or disagree ,he gets the same response,we are very humorous in our approach to things %26amp; we have a mutual respect for each other ,we are mother %26amp; son but also good friends ,I found it hard as he was growing into a teenager ,he once asked me what was one of the hardest things about being a parent ,my reply was making the right decisions for you %26amp; growing with you ,because as you grow so do we ,as long as we grow with you we have more understanding of where your at .We spend time in the evening talking ,about our day ,we play sport for the same club ,his friends are at our place lots %26amp; we all get along well .I am always here for him to help ,advise %26amp; encourage his independence %26amp; what ever he wants to do ,%26amp; also to help not to condemn any mistakes he may make ... I'm so lucky hes such an awesome person %26amp; the best son a mother could have ...hope this helps a little with your article ...good luckWhat are your opinions on teen and parent relationship?
Life is all about experiences and the experience a child has with their parent is the #1 determining factor in the happiness of the child as well as their self confidence in being able to make good choices. I have two daughters and our whole goal in life is to have enough trust between the girls and us such that (1) they generally make good choices and (2) when they make a bad one, they feel comfortable talking to us and knowing that we will help them fix the issue so that all parties can move forward.

Good luck
this all depends upon parents and child relationship

well my mum gives me alot ov time

and ask each n every thng from her
My relationship with my parents as a teenager was very rough.... I became a rebel and started misbehaving (when I had always been the smart, good girl, always top grades at school, no behaviour problems, etc.) and they were overprotective and wouldn't let me hang out with friends, go to parties, have a BF, etc. They always claimed they were doing it for my own sake and to keep me safe, but we fought very often and they were always very strict, and were always trying to find out what I was up to even if I didn't trust them enough to tell them about my stuff by myself. My relationship with my dad never quite got back to what it used to be, and now maaany years later I do have a better relationship with my mom..... but it was a tough stage.
i being a teen with so much pressure with my parents telling me to get A+'s (being a high school senior), and at the same time having over-protective parents that dont let u go out, or get a girlfriend. I feel like taking a 32 calibur to my head.
Sounds like you need to learn to do research on your own.

I'm not writing an article for you.

There are plenty of Psychology journals that answer your question.
We respect each other.

I give him privacy when he needs it and room to grow.

I ask him to do things and we do family trips a couple of times a year for an adventure such as Disney or an Amusement park.

On weekends, he wants to get out with people his age. I call him and know he will call me if he needs me, but otherwise trust him to be safe and sound.

We are very close. I pick my battles. Most of the time we negotiate fair rules that everyone follows. If he shows that he is in over his head, we sit back down and see what we could do differently.

He is open and funny and a joy to have. I was scared to have a teen and thought he would be moody, rude and difficult, but that has not been the case. He is a great kid and views me as a good mom.

I let him make most of his decisions and let him know I am there to back him up if he needs me.

I keep in touch with school and am very proud of how well he is doing. He is too.

We talk about his goals in life and how he can get there. So far he is sober, fun and trustworthy. When he goofs up, we focus on the solution more than the event. It has worked well.

He has his friends here almost every day. They eat with us and go places with us.

We don't hug as much as we used to. I miss that.

He is working toward being his own man. I am supporting his journey.

We have Sunday dinners and discuss the upcoming week so that we can coordinate who is where.

If he has an event, we are sure to be there supporting him.

We are a team and a close family.

I don't know if that is what you are looking for, but that is basically life here. There are a lot of studies on the net regarding teens and parents. Go for it.
We were very involved with the kids. Youth coaches, went to their games in H.S.

Helped them with homework.

They volunteered us to chaperone dances and things.

We have a great relationship with the kids and their friends. They trust me and feel they can tell me anything. They also know I will be honest with them.

As teenagers, they got mad now and then, but it never lasted long.
Parents seem to think that teens are living the ';golden years'; of their lives, when actually they forget how tough it is. When teens moan that their parents don't understand, it usually has some basis.

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