Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Can a 14 year old walk in to best buy and buy something without a parent or guardian present?

Can a 14 year old walk in to best buy and buy something without a parent or guardian present?Can a 14 year old walk in to best buy and buy something without a parent or guardian present?
Yeah according to business guidelines a costumer can be any age unless they have a payment source. But if your buying a flatscreen TV they may be suspicious.Can a 14 year old walk in to best buy and buy something without a parent or guardian present?
Overall yes, but it really depends on what your buying. Like you can not buy mature movies (Rated- R), or mature rated videos games sometimes you will get the person who doesn't care but majority of the time it's a no.
Not if it has a parental warning on it or it says ';mature'; on it. If you look 14, they may ID you.
Yes there is no age to buy a ds but it depends if you are buying a bundle with a game that it rated m but i doubt you will be because it is for ds so yes
Yes,most things. If it has a parental advisory or say a game that is rated M for mature. You would need a parent to buy it for you. But normal stuff,it's fine.
Of course you can unless you are buying some big Plasma or some really expensive big electornic then yeah I think you might do but if it's simple enough yes you can.
Yes. Anyone can buy something as long as it's not a rated M game or something.
Depends on what it is, if it's something r rated or rated mature, no.
I believe you could as long as you have the money they wouldn't care, and if it's not rated ';R';
yes you can

As long as you don't buy anything rated above your age like R, or M.

Have fun!
Yea, of course, aslong as its not something thats rated R
yes but depending on what your getting.
if it's a mature game, no. an E game or just the ds, of course :)
Yes. But if your buying something that R rated you might need a adult.
yeah i did. i went in and bought my digi cam without anyone going in with me.
Yes! well it depends on what it is!
of course! its just like any other store
depends on what it is
of course. why wouldn't they
yeah why not lol and why did you ask the question twice?
Yeah.....why do parents have to be there? As long as they have your money what does it matter to them
of course where have u been

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