Thursday, May 13, 2010

Should parent teach about sex and masturbation to their children? What is the right time to teach them?

I'm not perverted. I just think that our children is our very own responsibility and I'm afraid that somehow they'll learn about the wrong idea of sex and masturbation themselves...

I'm going to get married soon and this one is truly one of my concern... I mean how should I talk about it with my very own children? Since my mom %26amp; dad has passed away long time ago, I wonder how every parent could deal with these....Should parent teach about sex and masturbation to their children? What is the right time to teach them?
You won't need to worry about the masturbating issue they will discover this one on their own and a long time before you even know it. Just tell them it's natural and they should go to their rooms, not the living room floor.

Sex ed. should be taught by the parents if possible but it should include all aspects. Birth control, STDs, pregnancy etc. If you can get a teen to sit down and listen that is.

My sis in law began early with her kids, talking about things on a level they could understand and accept. Only one of her kids chose to have pre-marital sex and that was with the guy she planned to marry.

I can't speak for all parents or all kids, but there is nothing dirty about sex and there is nothing perverted about talking about it in a healthy manner.

They will receive some in health classes at school also and I recommend that you check the cirriculum out before hand.

Stay involved, from birth to leaving home and you and they will be fine.Should parent teach about sex and masturbation to their children? What is the right time to teach them?
I think it's important for children to learn about sex from their parents (although not visually). As far as masturbation goes, I think most people figure it out on their own, although a passing mention of how normal it is couldn't hurt. I don't think parents should ever have sex or masturbate in front of their children. It's just not necessary. People experience sex in different ways and you shouldn't rob them of the experience of discovering it for themselves when the time is right. Just provide the basics and let them do the rest.
yes you should teach your own children about sex and masterbation because if you dont you will find that someone else has done that ;;and in the wrong form.if you want your children to know then it is your own rights to teach them in the way you want them to learn and please teach them according to the bible .;because then you cannot go wrong start early in life as soon as the child is able to understand and always with loving words and prayer according to the word of god
All very small children will touch their private parts. You tell them that it is a bedroom or bathroom toy and that nobody wants to see it. As they get older, you will need to give them more information. The earlier you start, with age appropriate info, and using the proper words for things, the easier it will be when it gets time for them to ask you the hard questions. If you don't teach your kids about sex, they will come on Yahoo and ask some of the really weird questions that we see on here evey day. I get my neices and nephews asking me very basic questions that they should know the answers to. One of my neices actually managed to get pregnant and didn't even know the real names for her privates. Children are not taught enough in sex ed classes at school. They need to know that masturbation is a safe outlet for their very normal feelings and that unprotected sex is never a good thing. They need to know that you will love them and help them deal with it even if they do mess up and catch a disease or worse, get pregnant.
Yes. Before puberty
I know I might get bashed for this but I believe children should START being taught about sex before starting school. Of course you must be careful not to overload them or give details that would scare them. They will hear and see things in school and you need to have a open relationship with them to discuss these things. You need to establish that relationship early so when the real sex questions come, you will have their trust.

Don't ever lie....we all know babies don't come from the stork.
it is my belief that parents should take time out of there lives and asnwer the growing questions that kids these days have
No let them learn from a hooker.
Talk to them about sex as young at 8. My parents were always open to me and talked to me about sex all the time since a very young age. Educating your children about sex will make them less curious about it and make them wait instead of going and trying it at a ridiculously young age. You can't really stop your children from having sex when they are teenagers, and you shouldn't stop them. If you talked to them about sex, they'll be smart and use protection.

It's always the kids whose parents are all closed minded and don't talk to their children about sex, and other things that come home pregnant at 13.

It's better for them to be aware, and even if they do have sex; be glad they're keeping it safe!

...As for masturbation...You shouldn't exactly talk to them about it; most children find out about masturbation just exploring their bodies to fulfill their curiousity. There is nothing wrong with masturbation, and you should NOT worry about it at all.

Actually, if your kids will masturbate, they will most likely be more satisfied and won't be having sex.

But even if they are having sex, remember to continue educating them as you always did, and they will remember. Trust me, sex talks are something a child never forgets. So when your teenager does go and have sex, he or she will be protected. Don't worry.

Good luck.
I feel that it is beter for the parents to be truthfull to there children about human sexualiaty.

Teach within the home rather that having them learn that the parents and teachers have lied to them all there lives.
No. My advice is to let them learn at school.
The best way to deal with it is to never deny them the facts. Even as very small children they should be allowed to see both parents nude and to know about how pregnancy occurs and so forth. My mother always told us about all that stuff and answered all our questions no matter what age we were, so that I don't remember not knowing. I think I have a very healthy conceptional idea of sex and love and never needed advice from my peers as I knew long before they did. Best wishes

P.S. I can see that many of the other answers are joke answers please ignore them... you get alot of that on this site, especially from list.
this just reminded me of a friend of mine whose daughter (when she was like 3 or 4) would walk thru the house with something (usually a towel or stuffed animal) between her legs and walk and hump, walk and hump.

her mom and dad just kept saying 'no humpy, no humpy'. she did it ALL THE TIME. her little eyes would go back into her head and she just went into another world for a few minutes.

one day while babysitting i told the little girl that other people just don't like to watch her enjoy herself that way and the best place to do it is in her room - alone.

that's all it took.

she never came out of her bedroom to do it in front of others again. yes, she would disappear for a while and her parents had to go find her (in her room humping) and tell her to come on out and play when she's done.
talk is cheap

i believe it comes naturally at that son is three and i have already taught him the difference between boys and girls. also put your kids into sex ed every year its offered it will help too. they dont teach much on the act of sex at all.mostly puberty and basic reproduction
Jennifer L has the best answer so there is nothing more for me to add, except that some of the other answers are really stupid and no wonder some kids are the way they are...
When they ask,talk about sex.When they are about mast.
Don't think so. Generations have got along without it quite famously. And this generation ain't unique either.
I believe parents should tell their kids about ';the birds and the bees';. I'm not for certain when a good time would be to explain it all to them.
age 10 gets the sex talk, age 3+ gets the difference between boys and girls.

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