Thursday, May 13, 2010

In the state of CA, is it legal to have a gun license at 14? Even with parent consent?

I have an acquaintance who I strongly suspect likes to tell story's to make her life seem more interesting. According to her, her brother has had license to carry a gun, which their dad filled out all the paper work for, since he was 14. I find it hard to believe, but then again, I don't know a thing about fire arms or the laws pertaining to them.In the state of CA, is it legal to have a gun license at 14? Even with parent consent?
No you can't have legally license for gun at 14. You can have shotgun at 18, but handgun only at 21. California has one of the strictest gun law in US of A.

It looks like pretty soon everyone in California will only have legal rights to have paintball guns.In the state of CA, is it legal to have a gun license at 14? Even with parent consent?
Your friend is trying to be interesting again. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

There is no license required to own a gun in California. Under federal law, you have to be 18 years old to buy a long gun, 21 to buy a handgun. California concealed carry permits are only available to adults over 21.

Her parents may have bought her brother a gun at 14, but there's no way he had a license to carry at that age.
You can shoot and have possession of a firearms as a minor giving that the activity is legal and that the minor is being supervised. You don't need a license to own a firearm. However you have to be at least 18 to own a rifle and shotgun and 21 to own a handgun. Open carry and conceal carry is allowed on ones property or ones place of business without a permit given one can LEGALLY own a firearm. A minor cannot do this unless its in the act of self defense (ie some armed robber broke into the home and the kid is all alone with the firearm and has to defend himself.) If the neighbor reports a kid carrying a gun around in the house both the dad and the kid will get in trouble. Laws in CA are strict when it comes to minors getting a hold of firearms because accidents involving minors have happened and this is why laws are strict. You need a conceal weapons permit to carry a concealed firearm (outside ones residence) and one of the requirements is that you are 21. Only the Sheriffs Dept or local police dept can approve conceal weapons permits to people in CA to my knowledge. So, your friend lied or her dad broke the law.
Wait, they still have legal options to own guns in California?

Your acquaintance is lying. Here in Oklahoma, where gun laws are not Draconian, under no legal circumstances (excluding the military) can anyone under the age of 21 own a pistol. Let alone, get a conceal and carry license.
Your parents cannot consent to you breaking the law. Don't feel bad. Obviously, your friend doesn't know any more than you do about firearms and the laws pertaining to them.
Lol, like, you're kidding, right?

Giving guns to a minor? Texas probably doesn't allow that either
I believe your friend is a liar.If she brings it to school please tell a teacher or call 911.
you cant have a firearm at 14... no matter what the circumstances.. not even in texas
nope,your friend is a liar because my cousin tried sohard and did not work!!!!

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