Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do you have to attend an approved parent education and family stabilization course if your contesting divorce?

My husband and I agreed on a divorce, he filed the paperwork and when i got the divorce papers he requested visitation. I am not denying him his legal rights, but he hasnt had a stable home environment in over a year, so I wanted to allow him to adapt to a stable environment before he has weekend (sleepover)visitation with the kids. So i am contesting the papers but after reading stuff online it says something about attending a course, but thats only for the first filing. it says nothing about the person contesting the divorce papers, if they have to attend this class.Do you have to attend an approved parent education and family stabilization course if your contesting divorce?
You can't stop him from having the kids unless you have a good reason, like he would neglect them, abuse them or they would be in some type of danger in his care. What your definition of a stable environment isn't worth nothing, It's going to be up to the courts to decide that.Do you have to attend an approved parent education and family stabilization course if your contesting divorce?
I've never heard of that and I've been through 3 divorces with 4 kids.

Well, I don't see how he can have whole weekends if he hasn't got a home. If he's a street person, I'm sure the judge will see these kinds of visits aren't or shouldn't be rendered right now.

What good will a class do ?? If he's a da, doesn't he already know what he needs to do right to be a good dad?

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