I have an 8 month old baby boy. I adore the little kiddo ...right now though sometimes life feels out of control. I wonder if there is a certain time when everything starts falling back in place? Will I be able to get spontaneous again like I used to? Is there a certain age of the babywhen things feel more manageable? Some people claim that by age 1 things become more easy. Does anyone else feel like this? I know every stage comes with its own challenges but when can I start feeling like my baby understands me and we can get through each other. Right now just going out with him, and him wailing in his car seat is stressful. Just want to know when there is hope. Anyone? And if anyone has anything nasty to say, please spread your darkness somewhere else. I have had some really nasty comments by some people, so am just a bit cautious. Thanks.When does this all (being a parent) start to feel normal?
Age one is better, but for me it was really by the time they turned two years old that I started to feel ';normal'; again. By age two, they can talk and reason somewhat, sleep through the night, can be civilized in public, etc.... all this and more made it so much easier. Plus it took me about 2 years to get my figure back, lol!
Its a small window though.... I love ages 2-5, the preschool years. So innocent and fun. then they start elementary school and you get a whole new slew of issues. Ugh.
Good luck!!When does this all (being a parent) start to feel normal?
You are in it for the long haul. I'm affraid that you will always have the worry in the back of your mind when it comes to you child and that won't go away. I have found that the older my son gets the more complex he becomes and while old challenges subside new ones arise. You also just have to find what parenting style fits you the best. I used to be very uptight and affraid my son was going to get sick or fall or cry, now I know that these things are a part of life and will come and go. You shouldn't look for a break in the future, you'll just waist your life that way. Enjoy the now and take it all in because this is as good as it gets!
i do but remember things are differnt than before .. just like eveything else in life .. did you feel the same ri ght out of school as you did before ? when you got married and settled down ? life is full of wonderful changes , enjoy the moment . before you know it you will be putting him in school wondering ..will it ever be normal again.
you might want to think of joining a group and getti ng involved in something .. something for you ! a good mom is a happy mom
Usually things start to settle down once the kid is in pre-school (3 or 4 years old). But your life won't truly be yours again until after the kid/s go away to college and have their own lives. Congratulations you're a parent!
Trust me it does get easier. Cherish the times that you have with him now. Pay attention to the cute things that he does and dont focus on the negative. My son had colic for four months my husband is in the military so he wasnt home alot. It was really tough. Now my kids are 4 and 5 years old. They eat sleep and play. Just wait til he gets older you will miss alot of things. Oh yeah by the way my son was a porker when he was a baby and i had a 2 door sports car that didnt go in reverse i feel your pain on trying to get yours in the car. Just be patient.
I have a 2 1/2 month old and i know how u feel.. Its hard. I have to juggle the baby and going to school full time and its a handful. My mom told me that it will get easier when the child is about 1 year or so.. cuz by then they will beable to tell u what they want and where they want to go.. Well i hope everything gets easier 4 you.
When they turn 18 = } Ok not really then either..with our son it was when he started walking and become a lot more independent (and confident of himself) He also is able to talk a LOT more which really helps out. He didn't start walking until 18 months though btw. It gets easier, it just takes time.
Hahahahaha.... you're a mom now! NOTHING will ever be normal again! Seriously. There is still spontanaity... just not in the same way that you saw it before. Your baby creates it, you can create it too. Do unexpected things with your little one once in a while... take him to play dates, the park, on a walk. I felt like that for the first few months with both of my girls... It's going to get better. You just kind of have to make everything more routine. When you get into the groove, throw a little different element every once in a while. :)
Don't stress. I told a new mommy the other day that EVERY emotion she felt is totally normal. I am the mommy of 14 month old identical twin girls. I didn't truly start to feel like a mommy until they were probably a year old! Don't get me wrong...I loved them since the moment I found out I was pregnant, but it just wasn't as ';natural'; to me as I expected it to. I am in then educational field, and love working with kids. I have wanted to be a mom since I can remember. For some reason I really struggled when it finally happened to me. Part of my problem is that my pregnancy was hard (as I was high risk due to the twin thing) and my delivery was terrible (due to preeclampsia). The twins were in the NICU for the first two weeks, so I had difficulty bonding at first. All of that is behind me now. I have a truly wonderful bond with the girls now...and those feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and new-mommy stress are starting to fade into my distant memory. You will get through it girl! Every emotion you are feeling is totally normal. I wish we as mommies could open up and talk about these feelings more...but it seems to be taboo. Anyway...just know that there are other moms out there that feel, or have felt, the exact same way...and things will get better!
Yes, someday you will find your groove, though it won't be the same as before baby arrived. I have 2 boys, ages 4 1/2 and 21 months. When my first was really small, I felt like I would loose my mind if I had to listen to him scream one more night or change one more stinky diaper. I would see all these super moms who seemed to have it all together, and I would feel so inadequate as a mother. Car rides with a screaming infant are the worst. You feel guilty that the crying gets on your nerves and you feel helpless to do anything about it because they obviously have to be strapped in. I can definitely relate. Pretty soon your little one will be less of a ';lump'; that cries and poops, and more of an individual with their own personality. They will begin to be interested in their surroundings and the joy of watching them learn new skills helps to make up for the sleepless nights and worries they put you through. That said, it sounds like you need to take time for yourself on a regular basis (not that I'm one to talk). The best thing you can do for your relationship with your baby is to take time to ';recharge'; yourself. Leave him with a trusted relative or friend, if only for an hour or two, and do something you enjoy. Go shopping, have coffee with a friend, read a book at the library. Try it. You'll see that when you come back from your me-time you have more patients and all the mommy stuff seems a little less of a chore. Parenting young children is a wonderful gift, but boy it can make you nuts! Just know that you aren't the only one feeling this way. In fact, I'd say it's probably par for the course. :)
It is hard hey. You have so much to do. I have a 5 month old and have to juggle work and the nappies and bottles. Everything still is out of whack ! but dont worry their is light at the end of the tunnel...there has to be right? Maybe your baby can sense when you are stressed, mine can. Go for a nice walk, out your little boy in the pram and go for a nice long walk, this will help you aswell.....unfortunately i dont know when it will all get better, cause everyone is different. But i do know...it HAS to get better at some stage. I hope it works out for you.
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