Monday, May 10, 2010

Why is it important for a parent to turn their child in for a crime?

would you do it and why?Why is it important for a parent to turn their child in for a crime?
It's important because to fail to report it is to teach the child that it is OK to break the law.

Yes, I would turn my child in.

My own mum taught that valuable lesson when she came with me to return a Dinkey toy I had stolen from a local shop, in the 1950s. The shop owner had me convinced I could be sent to jail, and it was only his generosity of spirit that stopped him from calling the Police!!

I haven't stolen so much as a pencil from work since.Why is it important for a parent to turn their child in for a crime?
I guess its important because most parents teach their children right from wrong and if you didn't turn them in your not practising what you preach. I don't have children yet so I don't really know, I guess it depends what they did if it was something terrible like rape or murder then I definitely would because its the right thing to do.
Honestly, it depends on the crime. If I find my child with pot, they will be in trouble, but I am not gonna call the cops. If I find my child is involved in a murder, you better believe I will get them a lawyer, but WILL be calling the cops.

Its important so that they understand that their actions have consequences. People, expecially children, need rules, at least to a point. Without the rules and consequences, the behavior will only get worse until they have to face larger consequences for doing something really bad, when hopefully if you give consequences right away, they will learn and the behavior will not worse.
i would do it... coz you would do it for anybody else who committed the same crime wouldnt you...
I'm not sure that I would, depends on the crime, the context it was committed in etc.
Yes, as parents you can raise the child and do your best to set their morals and help solidify their appreciation for doing the right thing but in the end it might take tough love to set the errant child straight. Plus, if an intervention can be arranged before the crimes and problems become to great that the law would HAVE to step in, then it's all the better. To ignore it could only watch the problems spiral out of control and the maliciousness of each crime increase. To help the child, and that applies to a 16 year old just the same as a 61 year old, it may require the parents stepping in and showing them that there are valid consequences and you should respect the law and honor the rules of our society. It would hurt the child more if the parents ignored it. And, I am sure the parents would feel mauled by guilt if they did not act on the warning signs and something horrible ended up happening to their child.
I would for rape, for murder I'd want to know why they did it.Stealing from one of our community, I'd go nucking futs with them, stealing from someone who can afford to share but chooses not to, no.

It's important for our children to learn good values, they will not learn good values with our justice system. Going to jail is like an appreticeship for ';not getting caught next time';, and besides which our nation is run by criminals who are smiling and waving on the tv every day.

I can see why you ask this, and I agree with your sentiment, but it just isn't practical in these times, helping with self discipline and installing social values are a parents job.
parents have a responsibility for their children and also need to teach therm right from wrong

I'd not report my child for stealing sweeties,but I would reprimand him

but I would report him for a crime that hurt others,like violence or burglary

as he needs to know his behaviour is unacceptable in society
Well yes it is important for any parent to do this. When you bring a child into the world your first thoughts are to bring them into a safe enviroment where they learn about the rights and wrongs in life. Yes every child has to make mistakes and learn from them, but the question is how far are you willing for these mistakes to go? If you feel your child has done the wrong thing which turns out to be something serious then turning them in is the best thing you could possibly do. They may say things like I hate you and you don't know what your doing, but when they understand why you did it they will thank you in the long run...especially if they have commited a really bad crime because they will understand that you only did the best thing for them as they had to be responsible for the consequences their actions created.
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