Saturday, January 23, 2010

What kind of responsible parent would keep keep a child from hearing a speech?

about education.and claim their so patriotic did they prevent them from hearing the tons of lies told by bush during 911?What kind of responsible parent would keep keep a child from hearing a speech?
Only paranoid parents will follow the advice to keep their children home. Then it makes them look even dumber when it doesn`t turn out to be bad afterall.What kind of responsible parent would keep keep a child from hearing a speech?
If Obama wasn't the questionable sort, there wouldn't have been a problem, would there? Tell your boy to let us have a look-see at his birth certificate so we'll all know where his allegiances lie...

Ya know, you Kool-aid drinkers can give your kids to Obama if you want, it's your choice, but how dare you criticize others for their belief that Obama, the communist, racist, baby murderering usurper is not a fit role model for their children.
one that don't want their child indoctrinated by their teacher and any politician. I am tired as a parent of scare tactics teachers and school administrator use to get millages approved.
many stations pre-empted his speech in case the subject of politics came up! No, I don't want my kids to hear radical Barry. BTW, he covers his capriciousness very well!
Get over it, until 0bama makes it illegal parents can still say what they want for their children. I think that so many do not want their children to hear him says volumes.
At least Bush wasn't an ineligible usurper with British and Kenyan and Indonesian citizenships.

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