Sunday, January 17, 2010

What rights does an adict mother have to her kids over the parent who bought them up?

the mother gave them up when they were very young but came back on scene last year and there father gave her visiting rights but they stopped when we found out she was still using and doing it in front of the kids whilst they were at her house. now she wants visits and possibly custody of them. What rights does an adict mother have to her kids over the parent who bought them up?
Are you sure she's still using, it was last year

Providing the children are now being cared for properly no court will allow them to be moved

But you cannot legally stop her visiting the kids- ever

She is entitled to this legally, but it has to be supervised by the local authoritiesWhat rights does an adict mother have to her kids over the parent who bought them up?
What does an addict mother have to offer? Parenting skills? No. Time and energy? Definitely not. To me, this is a no contest question. She deserves the right to visit her kids while accompanied by another adult, but she shouldn't have custody. That's absolutely ridiculous.
If the rights of the mother were not terminated she can still go to court and fight for custody..You should document everything so that you have proof to show the judge that this female is no good. I for one am sick of bad mothers they are ruining this country.
its going to be hard for her to get her kids back since she gave them away in the first place. if she even gets close to getting them back tell the court that shes smoking meth again...or whatever drug it is
despite courts favouring mothers. She is a drug addict - has she got a criminal record ?

At the end of the day- you need to take into consideration how old the children are ? because at a certain age the child can choose who to live with.

In addition to that if she were to try and get custody of the children ... it would not happen.

She should be lucky if she gets one visit a month supervised.

Also the fact she gave them up.. means that she opted out of being a parent for so many years.]

also how much has she contributed physically- through money, lifts to school, holidays etc

and emotionally- being there for the children.

trust me not a court in hell is going to take those children away from their father to a drug abusing mother... who can't even look after and provide for them if she is using.

also something that may help your case

is that if you have a wife or long term gf who helps with the children- this will provide a family structure for the children.

good luck
Whatever the law says. You must have been in Family Court by now. Personally sounds damaging to the kids. Make her take a at home drug test to see them. Still damaging. Sorry to hear.
If the mother has not legally given up her parental rights (or had them forcibly revoked) then she does still have the right to see and interact with her children. The courts may require extremely limited, supervised visits though if they feel she might be a danger to her children.
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