Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baseball Parent Question: How does a 7 year old batter get a faster bat speed?

Is it a lighter bat or the pitch coming faster at them?Baseball Parent Question: How does a 7 year old batter get a faster bat speed?
Bat speed is something that comes from several factors. Bat size, bat shape (thinner handles are easier to swing), strength. Lots of stuff. Back in the old days we would swing two bats while warming up to create the illusion that your bat is lighter. Donuts serve that purpose today.

HOWEVER, it is not something you should be concerned with at this time. If you want your kid to be a better hitter, teach him how to HIT. By that I mean, hand eye coordination, keeping his eye on the ball, recogninze the strike zone...things that are basic skills. Having a young kid mess around with extra bat weight etc. is a formula for injury to a young arm. Bat speed will come as he becomes a better hitter and becomes stronger. And the chances of injury while he's learning the fundamentals will be decreased.

Dont worry. He's got time. Scott Boras will be waiting for him when he's 18.Baseball Parent Question: How does a 7 year old batter get a faster bat speed?
Have him use a lighter bat, hold his hands apart Ty Cobb style and keep the bat level (not up) in his stance.

A 7 year old doesnt really need lightning bat speed, let him have fun and learn sportsmanship.
Have him swing with a donut weight before he goes up. It increases it. Or just make him work out.
by a donut. not a literal donut but a its a weight that goes on the bat and swing everday s couple of times and before he bats.
as a player who knows things now that I'm older you do not want your son to go out and practice swinging with a heavy bat because you want him to have a quicker bat speed. If you do buy him a donut weight dont let him swing it and work out with it because it will actually hurt his wrist and forarms he should only use it before he goes up to bat to warm up not to work out with. You must wait until he is older to worry about bat speed and when he is older he can actually work at it without hurting himself if you push it on him now he will hurt his wrist and will hurt his forarms. His forarms will dictate where he is at physically for size of bats. for now to increase his bat speed without injurying himself just give him a lighter bat.
I wouldn't worry too much about that right now, he's 7.
It may be a combintion of both. If you use a lighter bat it can help his bat speed, have him hold his bat with his knock knock knuckles lined up. It may feel different to him at first but it will help him swing the bat better and faster. As for the speed of the pitches,it will always help for someone to practice with him by throwing pitches to him. If you can not take him to the local batting cages. Most will have machines with adjustable speeds. In my expierence most seven year ols will not throw much harder than 25-30 miles per hour.
At only 7 I wouldn't make a big deal of it, tell him to choke up on the bat.
At 7 years of age, don't be concerned about bat speed. That will develop with age and natural strength. As he grows and gets stronger, he can do weight training ( appropriate for his age level), practice swinging weighted bats to strengthen his arms and wrists, and use a lighter bat during actual games.

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