Wednesday, January 13, 2010

If your child majored in Pece Studies at college would you feel you failed as a parent?

what kind of gainful employment can be had with a degree in Peace Studies?If your child majored in Pece Studies at college would you feel you failed as a parent?
if he/she took peace studies, they would have to get it on their own

dime, because i wouldn't contribute a single one to that load of c r a p!If your child majored in Pece Studies at college would you feel you failed as a parent?
I told my children two things when it came to their future.

I don't care what profession or job you decide to do, as long as you harm no one in the process. Just strive to do the best job you can do.

Any degree is good. Many people who get degrees do not use the degree in the real world. Many jobs that ask for a degree do not really care what the degree is in, only that the person had the personal fortitude to get through it.

I have a BA in Business Administration, I have never sat at a desk, I learned very quickly that kind of work bores the hell out of me. My older brother has a masters in History and has never used it.

I am a teacher

My older brother works as a buyer for a high tech firm.

My youngest brother never spent a day of his life in college and owns a multi million dollar business.



If you learn something at college, but that knowledge isn't actually useful in a practical way, then give ME that 50 thousand bucks or however much it is, and I'll teach you how to suck an egg.
you havent failed until your child joins a gang, shoots up your neighbors house because he couldnt pay his weed debt, and then ends up in prison for the murder of a kid walking home from school.

just be glad your kid is going to school rather than him/her running the streets making pornos at parties and sucking wang for some rock
With all the hate and war in this world your child has the crictical thinking that he knows peace is the only way.
Whats your problem? As long as your kid is happy you should be happy, just be glad they actually bother studying. wtf.
You failed at spelling.

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