Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When does passover start this yr? Also, when do u light the candle for the death of a parent?

Passover began April 8 at sundown and ends on the 16th.

Yizkor is observed on the 8th day of Pesach, the 2nd day of Shavuot, on Yom Kippur and on Shemini-Atzeret

This year those dates are:

for Pesach, April 16

for Shavuot, May 30 ( edit, this is the second day of Shavuot)

for Yom Kippur, Sept 28

for Shemini-Atzeret, October 10 ( edit, this is the 8th day after Sukkot and the day before Simchat Torah )

In addition, you light a yahrzeit candle on the eve of the anniversary of their death according to the Hebrew calendar.

If you were in Israel - Yizkor is said one day earlier for Pesach

EDIT: Someone is playing games here. There is absolutely NO reason that my answer should have had ONE thumbs down, let alone two. I gave the EXACT DATES according to the Hebrew Calendar that I have and it is in agreement with every Hebrew Calendar you will find online. Here is just one :

Ask at askmoses or any local Rabbi. I gave you the correct dates for Yizkor as well as the beginning of Pesach.When does passover start this yr? Also, when do u light the candle for the death of a parent?
Passover in 2009 will start on Thursday, the 9th of April and will continue for 7 days until Wednesday, the 15th of April.

Note that in the Jewish calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Jews will celebrate Passover on the sunset tonight, the 8th of April

Every year, on the anniversary of the death, family members observe the deceased's Yahrzeit (Yiddish, lit. ';anniversary';). On the Yahrzeit, sons recite Kaddish and take an aliyah (bless the Torah reading) in synagogue if possible, and all mourners light a candle in honor of the decedent that burns for 24 hours.When does passover start this yr? Also, when do u light the candle for the death of a parent?
Sundown, today.

You light a yahrzeit candle on the date of the anniversary of their death, on Yom Kippur, and on Tisha B'Av. Not at Passover, to my knowledge.

Passover, and Yahrzeit have NOTHING to do with Easter or Good Friday!

And Yizkor is at Yom Kippur.
It starts tonight at sunset and Yizkor (lighting of the Yahrtzeit candle) is the night of April 16th.

The Yizkor service takes place in a synagogue four times a year.

Yom Kippur

The last day of Sukkot

The last day of Passover

The last day of Shavuot
Passover starts tonight, April8th.

It ends next Wednesday, April15th.
passover starts today. and idk on the candle thing. i guess on good friday the same day that Jesus died.
Last sunday

and idk
it starts today

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